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I dashed forward cutting down many corpses and forced the mimic I encountered into a wall. Sam had my back and together we fought off Charlottes horde of monsters.
I grunted striking down another zombie while Sam was brutally stabbing one zombie to death as it cried out in pain.
I swung again taking off one's head. Sam then pulled out two pistols and got behind me shooting zombies as they came.
Both our hearts racing as we fought through Charlottes horde.
I struck down another zombie and was shoved out of the way by the mimic. I hit the statue hard and landed in mud.
I sat up and looked at Charlotte and spit out blood. I used the force to grab the mimic and flung it into the horde around us.
Then I finally squeezed the life out of the mimic killing it. Sam helped me up and pulled me into her chest shooting a zombie in the head. I nodded and looked at Charlotte. "I'll ask you again to surrender Charlotte. Don't make me kill you"
I threatened. Her eyes were glowing purple like Sams and she leaped towards me. I pushed Sam out of the way and blocked both her sabers before shoving her into a pillar. I dashed knocking the pillar lose. She got back up and we dueled. Obi-wan trained me and I'll not let her beat me nor hurt anyone here.
I grunted twisting and turning.
Blood boiling.
Heart Racing.
Holding my breath as I parried her attacks and knocked her second saber out of her hand. I stretched my hand out force freezing her and cut off her left hand.
She shrieked and swung her elbow into my chest.
I grunted in pain and dodged her attack. I grabbed a corpses body and threw it at her. She diced through the body and jumped up. I dodged her attack and held my saber. Sam then used her powers to overwhelm Charlotte. I walked slowly towards her as she struggled to defend herself.
She swung aimlessly trying to defend herself but it was no use. I force pushed her into the wall and she was down. "Don't make me a murderer Charlotte" I told her again. "You are not Bell but you've given me a greater perspective on my goal-"
"Yeah yeah yeah to eradicate human life including me so you'll find a way to travel back to kill my brother. The only way out of this hell is death. I don't know what I would if I lost my shit like you. God can't you just help out and try being something else. A leader perhaps and not a tyrant. Everyone is trapped here and all you want is revenge. Killing you is meaningless and all of this is meaningless! That's the problem with Antagonist! They fight harder and harder till the end thinking they're the shit! It's stupid and pathetic"
Charlotte was at a loss for words. "Call off your horde and just go home. Can't you see even the dead bay want to rest. They're just lost souls wanting to be free"
"You have the dark Aether in your blood Brat! Your the traitor!"
She lunged at Sam but I stepped in grabbing her by the neck. "Sam never wanted this and neither did I. I could crush you like a bug right now!"
I said tightening my grip. She swung her saber at me but Sam grabbed her before it hit me. "You just need time to think it through before you get yourself killed"
I threw her into the wall and Sam used her powers to bring it down on her. I winced. "That could have killed her" I said. "Ohh she'll live"
Sam said. "Next time don't shove me away from a fight"
"Your not even properly trained to use a lightsaber"
"I have your fathers sword. You think I don't know how to stick things"
"You have rage Sam. Anger. Sadness all those lead to-"
"I know what they lead too! Jp taught me but I never got the chance to make mine"
She glared at me with her eyes glowing.
"Unless you teach me"
"I don't know if I can. I don't want to make Bells mistake"
"Don't give me that shit! Your the only one here who knows the force"
I shook my head. "The force is a power of light and darkness. The darkness is more seductive and will make into someone else entirely. You remember Bells evil future self"
She raised her eyebrow and shoved me a scar on her stomach. "He's alive and he sent her to hunt me but now that she knows your around. He'll come for both of us. So please...will you train me? I'm not a bad person. Even you should know that"
She's not. Sam may have darkness inside JB but I know who she really is.
"Who the hell said that?"
I looked around. "Ever since you came you've heard voices in your head. Because your infected like me" Sam said.
She's the only to help you with your condition JB. Trust her.
I do trust her! It's you I don't.
Myka said the same. Jp said the same. Bell said the same.
How the fuck do you know them?!
I saved Jp from Alcatraz
Richtofen? Your alive?
It would seem I don't have a choice. If she falls it will be because of me.
Like Obi-wan told me.
"Trust in the Foce"
Then I have to trust myself. "I will train you but we need to leave. If Perseus is here. He'll come looking"
She smiled and we both left the courtyard.

"So your both infected. That mean you'll turn zombie on us?"
"No. We've bonded with the dark aether and resisted the corruptive effects. That woman we fought is a result of one that gives in. For right now Adler we will help you find a safe place but after that me and Sam are leaving. Just being here puts people in danger"
I told him.
Adler look at us both. "Then we better move out"
He was actually cool with it.
I turned to Sam and gave her Charlottes saber. "Only for protection. Guard this with your life. Don't lose it. Nor my fathers Katana. I needed to trust myself but if I lose you to the dark side. I would have failed"
She nodded understanding and pulled me towards her. Whoa wait a minute!
I stopped her. "What's this for?!"
"For trust"
She gave me a small but passionate kiss I was stunned. I haven't kissed a woman in a while but kissing her felt...right. She turned away and went to gather her things swaying her hips side to side.
Then she looked back giving me a small smile.
Fuck! Now I know why Jp liked her. I can't get attached. But that is the rules of the Jedi and do I look like a Jedi?
Nah. So for the meantime I guess I could get used to this. Be better if we were under better conditions. "Whoa hang on there one step at a time" I told myself. Never thought I'd like a German Woman. but fuck!
It's not my fault I can't help it.
Get it together JB! Plus it was only for trust.
Then she likes girls.
I sighed in defeat remembering that thought. Then I'll have to change her mind.
I smiled to myself and thought. I do like her and I'm excited to train her. Maybe we'll have one of those dyad things like Bell and Cat or Ben and Rey.
Someone's in love
Are you always going to be around?!
Only when your thoughts are vulnerable
Dempsey is right you are an asshole
And I take that as a compliment mein friend so take your time. Don't be harsh on her either. It will take time for to love as she's lost before.
Yeah I know. One step at a time right.
That's the spirit.

Alright Sam, I'll play your game too.
I chuckled thinking I can't wait to get started.

I crawled out from under the rubble and coughed. My body was covered in mud and bruises. My handless stub bleeding out.
I grunted and realized that let me live.
"So you live"
A stern voice said towards me. Two soldiers and one in the middle. It was him.
"It wasn't Bell master. It was the clone" I breathed as they held me up. "JB? Why is he here?"
"Told me that there was no way out of the dark Aether. Only way to leave is by death"
His anger flared and he sighed. "Get her to medical! Let lose the hellhounds! I'll deal with you afterwards"
I couldn't breathe as he choked me with the force. "Master- forgive me!"
I strained and braced for the killing blow.
I grunted and fell to my knees.
"Forgive me apprentice but if you fail again there will be consequences"
He said staring at the asylum before him.

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