Restroom -7-

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Dream pulled George into a near by restroom witch was just one big restroom with no stalls,once both boys where in dream pushed George up against the wall next to the door, as the two shared the long make out dream locked the door, Dream slowly started laying kisses down George's neck, The quite room started to fill with groans and moans, witch every kiss dream made he left a small mark on George's silk skin, Dream removed George's shirt before Starting to leave a trail of kisses down the rest of George's body, Dream lifted himself back up looking down at the George due to the highest difference, George had his head thrown back against the wall as the locked eyes with dream before dream kissed George again, George kissed back rapping on arm around dream, and with the others he tugged on Dreams hair, Dream tugged at George's pant buckle signaling George for consent, George nodded and dream Removed George's pants and his own before flipping George so he would be pushing against the sink, Dream lifted three fingers up and held them to George "Suck" He said (ok that wasn't strange to write at all) George did exactly that, dream held his fingers in George's mouth before pulling them out, "if it ever gets to be too much, just tell me and we can stop" George hummed in response, dream rapped on of his hands around George's waist, He grabbed George's Dick (:D I love this omg) And started to slowly stroke his hand up and down causing George to now let out needy moans, while dream continued he added one finger into George and started thrusting before letting for of George's dick and adding the second finger, George's moans where getting louder by the second, once dream thought he was stretched out enough he added the third and finale finger his thrusts got faster,Dream removed his fingers and lined up his dick with George before slowly starting to insert himself in,George moaned and started to whimper a bit "you okay?" Dream asked "mhm" George hummed at that Dream continued to thrust himself back and forth holding onto George's hips tightly, soon George felt a knot in his stomach "D- Dream I'm close" George said groaning Dream didn't reply he just started to thrust faster, soon after George came all over  the floor with a loud moan, Dream pulled out panting, George also panting over the sink "oh my god" George whispered to himself,both boys got dressed again and cleaned up there mess once the opened the door they felt like everyone was staring at them, once they met with Karl and sapnap, Karl saw George's Marks all over George's neck "oh my- don't tell me..." Karl said as he pointed to the marks , sapnap laughed ".... You guys had sex... In a mall" sapnap spoke as Karl laughed "you guys are so nasty!" Sapnap said.


490 words 

This chapter was so.... Haha

It's 4 am good night my friends:)

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