Trio took it all in, shocked and surprised. John Winchester entered the room in a hurry, "We got a problem. Those blood things, the sigils-- they're gone."

Sam repeated, "Gone as in..."

"I-I drew on the back of the door. I turned around. And when I looked back again, it was a smudge."

Dean went to the door, seeing the sigil was blackened. He spoke out, "He's right."

Mary lowered herself to feel the oil, only there was nothing. "There's no more holy oil."

Suddenly, there was a loud high-pitched noise echoing the house, lights began to flicker. Sam drew the Angel blade while Karina had her own in her hand. It began to intensify the noise, drawing everyone to cover their ears. Windows and light bulbs shatter, darkening the room.

Everyone looked up, hearing the high-pitched quiet. The door flew open, entering the wings of the Angel. There was a black man walking from the door walking to the kitchen, looking at Dean.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Uriel."

Dean backed away as he was bummed to see the hated Angel. "Oh, come on." Karina twirled her blade, protecting John and Mary.

Sam pulled Mary, "Go." He was stopped by Anna who was blocking the stairs.

Dean looked at Sam and Karina, "Here goes nothing." Their heads tilted.

Sam and Dean began their attacks on the Angels. They were caught by them as they flew over to the room. Karina was protecting John and Mary from behind with the blade. Anna began to approach her as she swung the blade at her. Anna blocked out of the way, then kicked her knees down. She twisted her arm, dropping the blade on the floor.

She looked down as she reclaimed, "You're not the First Prayer. You're a bitch." She flew Karina to the corner of the room. Getting her head slammed on the wall. She groaned in pain as she felt blood from the back of her head.

John eyed Angel's blade, then he rushed toward it. Anna blocked him, then put her hand on below his chin. Forced him to stand up, then she pushed him out of the window. Sam woke up as Dean was getting punched repeatedly by Uriel. Anna walked closer to Mary, then Karina stood up.

Sam rushed toward the blade to protect Mary, then Karina opened her eyes to see the horrifying vision. Anna grabbed the bar from the wall, then stabbed him in the gut. He fell on the wall and his mouth was bleeding out. Her ears began to ring as her eyes teared up. Her mouth was silent as she called out his name. Sam looked at Karina as he was bleeding out. Karina looked at Anna, glaring at her back. She rushed toward her, not knowing she was holding the blade from the floor. Anna turned swiftly, stabbing Karina in the gut. The blade went through her gut out of her back. Echoed, her gasp. Her eyes looked down at the blade, her tears started to shed. "Boys..."

Anna pushed her down to the floor near Sam. She choked up by the blood as she coughed softly. Trying to breathe, she heard Dean's voice calling out to them. "Sammy! Kay!" Her eyes drifted into the darkness, taking her last breath as she bled out. Sam collapsed on the floor near Karina as he took his last breath. Dean looked at the sight of his brother and his best friend, "Guys!!"

Anna turned to Mary while she backed away from the Angel. "I'm really sorry."


Anna turned to see John. He wasn't John, but... "Micheal."

He walked up to her slowly as he put his hand on her shoulder. Anna gasped at the touch, her body was glowing up. Her head threw back as she was shaking, and blue flames popped out of her. Screaming in terror, the skin was blackened by fire. She remained in ashes as they all dissolved.

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