DaVinci x OC

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DaVinci's POV:

It was a typical day at the Dalmatian home. Dimitri Trio causing trouble, DJ playing his music, Dizzy and Dee Dee playing, and me painting the wooden backyard fence. I grabbed a paint can and splashed it onto the fence. I squinted and looked at it. It actually looked like me and...someone else I don't know. We were touching noses and holding hands. I glared at it in disgust. Other than the boys in my family, with the exception of the Dimitri Trio, were jerks. They would always lauph at my paintings, and then bully me. Not only that, but would also destroy the painting I had worked on. No one, but my family, liked me.  I never had any friends.

I sighed and took off my apron. I decided to go for a walk. I told Dylan, who said to be back in an hour. I walked off the porch and headed through Regent's Park. I was by a pond with no one else around. Or at least I thought. Out of nowhere, two Great Danes wearing leather jackets ran up to me. They somewhat reminded me of Greasers you see in movies that are based in the 50s. I recognized them from my school. Their names were Tom and Andrew. They bullied me numerous times the last year or so. I never really bothered to tell my family about it, not wanting me to become a burden. Andrew grabbed me by my shirt collar. "Look here, loser. Painting is for people who can't think straight."

"Yeah," Tom said, getting a 'Shut up' from Andrew. He continued. "Besides, no one likes your paintings. Their worthless crap, like you." As soon as he finished saying that, i burst into tears. I really didn't want to be alive after that. I probably would've actually killed myself, when I realized that no one was gripping on my shirt collar. I looked over at Tom and Andrew lying on their stomach, groaning. I saw a Golden Retriever who looked about my age, panting. He was wearing a red plaid jacket, dark blue jeans, one yellow high-top, and one purple high-top. His hands seemed to be stained with dry paint. "Are you okay?" He asked, sounding worried. I nodded in response. "Do you want me to take you home?" I shrugged, then looked at my phone to see what time it was. 6:30?! I'm late for dinner! I looked back at the Golden Retriever who helped me. "I'm late for dinner. Considering you saved me, would you like to join?" He smiled and nodded. "Sure. I'm Leo, by the way. Short for Leonardo." I chuckled. "I'm DaVinci Dalmatian. Also why ,may I ask, are your hands stained?" He let out a soft chuckle." I was spray painting. Just across the pond." My eyes lit up. "You like art? So do I!" We laughed until we reached my home.

I scanned my paw snd the door opened. I led Leo to the kitchen, where everyone was eating. Mum ran over to me. "Are you alright? Its so late! What happened?!" She said while examining my face. "I'm fine, thanks to my new friend, Leo. He saved me from a couple of bullies," I said, and glanced at Leo, who was giving a awkward smile. Dad walked on over and hugged him, hearing bones cracking from Leo. "Son, you saved my daughter. How can I repay you?" He asked, getting a whisper from Leo, so no one could hear. Dad chuckled. "Of course. Is that really all?" Leo nodded. "Okay, works for me. Now Leo, grab a seat. Its dinnertime!" Leo sat by me. It was quiet after awhile, then siblings started asking questions. The first one was from a black hoodie wearing music lover, DJ. "So, how old are you?" He asked Leo, who responded. "15," He replied. He was the same age as me. Just then, Dimitri 2, wearing a gray beanie and a varsity jacket tied around his waist, slid next to Leo. "What do you do for fun?" He asked, grinning a mischievous smile. Leo cleared his throat." I spray paint," He answered, as Dimitri 2 slid back to his spot. Finally, two overall wearing pups slid over in between Leo and I. Dizzy and Dee Dee. "Do you--"

"--like DaVinci?" Dizzy and Dee Dee asked. Me and Leo blushed. I really liked him. But I didn't think that he would like me back like that. "Actually, yes I do." I looked at him in suprise, who continued. "DaVinci, you know what I whispered to your Dad earlier? I asked for permission." 

"Permission for what?" I asked. He smiled. "For this. DaVinci Dalmatian, will you go on a date with me?" He asked. I stared in disbelief. No boy has ever asked me out. It took me a minute to figure out that Dizzy and Dee Dee were giggling. I nodded and kissed him on the lips. "Yes!Yes yes yes yes!" Looks like I wont be alone or bullied, or teased or made fun of no more. Because I had my boyfriend by my side.

My best friend.

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