Tubbo scoffed, "Why would we?"

"Because it's in our nature."

"What do you mean?"

The blond looked at his brother with a wry expression. "Don't play this game with me. I remember the fights, I remember the auctions, I remember it all."

The world seemed to stop as Tubbo processed the information, he looked at Ranboo who was unfazed, he already knew.

Then the world seemed to spin too quickly, the room blurred around him, and everything was happening too fast.

The first thing he said was a whispered "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry for not realizing, I'm sorry for being naive, I'm sorry I didn't include you.

I'm sorry we couldn't protect you.

How could they, the talons dug in deep, leaving gashes that hurt their trust, and scars that tainted their souls.

Ranboo would never see himself as anything more than a monster. Tubbo would never see anything more than the mistakes that were made. And Tommy? Tommy had witnessed all the same terrible things, but didn't get his wounds healed. Ranboo and Tubbo had healed, and Tommy had been left behind.

"Stars I am a terrible brother." Tubbo said mirthlessly.

The oldest didn't say anything. His eyes flicking between Tommy and Tubbo.

It dawned on Tubbo at that moment, Ranboo had known, had known for a long time, and was forced to watch the two people he felt responsible over, tear in at each other. Fight one another, slowly ripping apart their friendship.

Ranboo had permanent dark circles under his eyes, but looking closer, part of them were burns, tear tracks from who knows when.

"I heard Jubilee's comparison, and I think you really are like Caz." Ranboo said, matter of factly.

"Why do you think he was talking about Kit and Caz?" Tommy asked curiosity.

"Think about it, he had a partner who had a good friend, Kit had a partner that was captured and then escaped, it makes sense, doesn't it? His name was Phantom, and he was a ghost, Jubilee is also a ghost."

"I think you're just trying to convince me to not hate him." Tubbo groaned.

"I mean, it's working though." Tommy snickered.

"Okay, okay, I get it," Tubbo's smile fell. "I'd like to formally apologize for never thinking about the fact that some forms of amnesia aren't permanent, and not bringing up our past with you Tommy, and I'd like to apologize to you, Ranboo, for putting you through the biggest fucking mental strain ever."

"I'd like to apologize to both of you for not believing that the Book was an actual thing. Now it's the only thing that makes sense in this situation. And I'd like to say that I should've told you guys sooner about the memory thing." Tommy added sheepishly.

"I'd like to apologize for not trying to keep you two from arguing, and for keeping secrets from you two." Ranboo said simply.

"No more secrets?" The blond said hopefully.

"No more secrets." The other two echoed.

Just then, Nyx came trotting up ro them, with a letter in her mouth.

Ranboo took the letter and his face fell as he read. Tubbo read over his shoulder.

"What? What happened?" Tommy asked impatiently.

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