basketball game

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you decide to go to your brother's basketball game. the entire time, you stare at one guy. #1. with gorgeous black hair and intense blue eyes, you knew it would be hard not to fall in love with him.

after the game, all the guys run to the locker room and of course, all the girls run after them. specifically, #1. "adam!" they call as he comes out of the locker room, hovering over him like little kittens.

you follow too because you would be stupid not to.

he ignores all of them and pushes past them. even the ones he would be considered lucky to have a chance with.

and then his eyes fall upon you. he holds your gaze for a long time until you break away.

you walk away but adam follows you, leaving a jealous group of fangirls behind. he pulls you to a private corner.

"i hope you don't mind me doing this, but i couldn't help but notice how stunning you are," he says. "what's your name?"

"Y/N," you stutter.

"i'm adam." he hands you his phone and says, "just wanna make sure i'll see you again." you put your number in, and just like that, he walks away.

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