coffee + a hot guy

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you decide to visit your hometown local cafe. when you get inside, you immediately notice the HOT cashier.
you walk up nervously.
"hey," he says, then looks you up and down. he's obviously checking you out. "what can i get you?"
"um, can i just have a- a small coffee?"
"milk and sugar?"
"yeah thanks." you blush as he leaves to make your coffee.
you decide to sit in a chair to wait.
you notice that he keeps looking over at you and giving you a half-smile.

"your order is ready ma'am."
you quickly get up and take it from him. "thank you," you say. as you reach for the cup, he moves his fingers so your hands touch. you look up at him, surprised, and he winks.

you're flustered so you try to leave quickly but you hear his voice again. "oh you forgot something," he says.
you walk back, confused. "huh?"
"my number," he says with another wink, and hands you a slip of paper. "text me."

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