Do You Remember His Name?

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I returned to Seigaku the next day, Eiji greeting me by jumping in my back. The other regulars, mainly Oishi, Momo, and Eiji were the only ones who seemed super friendly. Fuji was always smiling. Sure it's kind of creepy and he seems like a sadist sometimes.
I picked up my racket and greeted Satoshi, tousling his hair as I passed him and walked onto the court. I had stayed with Keigo last night so I haven't really seen or spoke with him for a day or so.
"Akira," Tezuka called, his voice making me pause as I turned around and walked back towards him.
"Are you positive you want to be back here?" Tezuka asked.
"Hai. Completely positive. I'm sure of it," I said.
"Good. Eiji seemed to be disappointed that you were gone," Tezuka nodded.
"And what about you?" I asked. "Were you disappointed?" I looked up at him, searching his face for any sign of lying as he opened his mouth to answer, looking down at me.
"Akira-kun!" Eiji shouted. "Don't let him hold you too long! We want to play you!"
"Coming," I called back, turning around and heading back to the courts, leaving Tezuka and his answer behind me as I stepped back onto Seigaku courts for the first time in a while.
"I guess we can play a match," I said, lifting my racket and feeling someone watching me, turning my head slightly and spotting Satoshi and Tezuka both intently staring at the court. Tezuka looks a little lost in his head right now, but am I really the only one who sees that? Maybe it's because I'm the one stuck in my head and my thoughts half my life. I took a deep breath, keeping my racket steady as Eiji served, the ball whizzing into the service box and bouncing back up, my racket swinging quickly as I slammed it back onto the back line, the ball bouncing and hitting the wire fence before dropping to the ground, Eiji staring at it with wide eyes.
"Sorry," I called quietly. "I won't hit so hard next time."
"No!" Eiji shouted suddenly, turning back around and picking up the ball. "I want you to play like that. It'll challenge me."
"Really?" I asked, my eyes widening slightly before I nodded and he served, returning the ball easily and getting another point for myself.
Eventually I won the game and every match 6-0.
"Kira," Satoshi said, calling me over as I finished the game. "People are here to see you." He pouted at someone standing behind me before I swung around, holding my racket up and seeing Keigo's lips smack into the hard strings.
"Jeez," I scowled. "Are you still trying to sneak a kiss when I don't know you're here?"
"No," Keigo lied, pouting at me as he traced a fake tear down his cheek.
"Besides, didn't I already tell you I like someone else?" I said.
"No," Keigo said. "Not once."
"Well then let's make this clear," I say, clapping my hands in his face. "I like someone else. That's final. I don't want to break our friendship, Keigo. I really don't. So let's stay friends. But you need to grow up and understand that I like someone else. Someone who's not you."
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Keigo said. "I, Ore-sama, will attempt to guess your newfound crush."
"Shoot," I smirked, looking up at him as he glanced around the courts.
"The overly hyper red head," he said, pointing at Eiji.
"Eiji? No," I said, leaning back before taking a seat on the ground and relaxing as he started pointing at the rest of the members.
"The bald one," he said.
"Do you seriously not know any of their names?" I asked, exasperated as I looked at him, my eyes wide.
" . . . Yes," Keigo hesitated. "I know Tezuka's name at least."
"Yeah, because he's another national level high schooler and captain of Seigaku's tennis team," I said, resting my chin on my hand as I sighed. "He's by far the easiest to remember."
"Kira, I heard a rumor about something when you first came back to Japan. I'd like you to confirm if it's true or not," Keigo said.
"A rumor? About me? Surely you know everything about me by now seeing as we've known each other since we were kids," I said, arching an eyebrow at him as I stood up to face him. "But sure. I'll answer your question. If you promise not to try and kiss me by surprise again."
"Does the great Ore-sama really have to promise that?" Keigo pouted. I nodded and he sighed loudly. "Fine. I, the great and magnificent Ore-sama, promise I will not try to kiss you again without your knowledge."
"Good," I said. "Now ask your question and I'll answer it honestly if I know the answer."
"Rumor has it that when you lost your memory when you came here, there was one person whom you could easily remember and you called them by their first name. My team refuses to tell me the name of that person but I'd at least like to know if you could remember someone," Keigo said, his voice demanding my full attention, his fuel and fire burning brightly in his tone.
"Yeah," I quietly said. "That's true. I did remember someone in one of my phases not long after I came here. I guess if you really want to know, I could tell you who it was."
"Tell me," Keigo said quickly.
"The person I could remember back then wa-" I started, getting interrupted a second later.
"Akira-San!" Eiji's voice shouted at me. "Tezuka says you have to play or you'll be running laps!"
"Coming!" I called.
"Hurry!" Eiji yelled urgently. "He'll make you run if you don't."
"Five seconds, Akira-san," Tezuka said from his position on the sidelines of the closest court. "There's a line waiting to play against you."
"Gomen," I said, turning to Keigo. "We'll have to continue this later when I'm not busy if you don't mind. You can call me when I get home if you'd like."
"Ore-sama, out!" Keigo shouted, spinning on his heels and turning around as he walked away.
What the heck is he doing? He's making himself look like an idiot. I swear, if he seriously doesn't know how stupid he looks doing that, then there's no way he'll get into a college without a scholarship.
"Yeah, coming!" I called again, running over to the court and getting into position for a new match.

I haven't updated for a while. I'm busy right now because I've got final exams until Wednesday next week.

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