The Hypnotizing Soul Burn

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After School

"Kira! Kira!" Satoshi called, waving his arms wildly above his head. "Come here!" I walked calmly over to him and then set my bags down on the bench.
"Oi, Akira-san!" Eiji-senpai called as he jogged over to me with a bright smile. "Do you play tennis?"
I was about to deny him, but then Satoshi butted in.
"Hai! Akira playes tennis! In fact, she was teaching kids how to play tennis all around the world!" Satoshi bragged with a confident smirk.
"Show us!" Eiji-senpai pleaded, he even got down on his knees and begged me with cute eyes. I laughed and then tied my shoes tightly.
"Who do you want me to play?" I asked Eiji-senpai.
"Hmm. How about Momo?" Eiji-senpai said with a wide smile.
"Hai," I said, pulling out a blue and white tennis racket with my initial on the handle. I dug my hands into my pockets and then pulled out a small hair tie. I swiftly made a braid and then kept it in place and out of my face, hanging straight down my back.
"Momo!" I shouted. He turned. "Let's play a match!"
"You're on!" Momo grinned, approaching. I moved to one side of an empty court and he took the other.

Omniscient P.O.V (All Knowing)

Horio, Kachiro, Katsuo and the regulars were all watching this match intently. Even cold old Tezuka was.
"One set match! Horio to serve!" Eiji shouted from the umpire seat. Akira was playing just as good as always if not better. In fact, Horio recognized many of the stances and skills she used.
"No," Horio whispered. He saw her get into a different stance. The same stance that puts her opponent in the hospital for a year. "No! Akira!" But he was too late. Akira swung her racket and the ball sped forwards, gaining speed before it circled in on Momo and then nearly hit him in the face. It would've too if Akira didn't hit another ball to deflect it. Momo literally saw his life flash before his eyes as he tripped and fell backwards onto his butt.
"Horio-kun," Katsuo said. "Why'd you yell her name?"
Horio closed his eyes for a second, acting so much more mature than ever before. "That's for Akira to tell you. It's not up to me."

Akira's P.O.V

I nearly hit Momo in the face with one of my special moves. My Hypnotizing Soul Burn. It throws my opponent off guard and stuns them with fear into remaining perfectly still as the ball picks up speed and then slams into their face. Usually giving damage that can last up to a year in the hospital and then another year not playing. I nearly did that to Momo. I don't want to hurt anyone.
I moved to my bag and silently took a drink of water.
"Akira-kun," Momo said, coming up to me on the bench. I looked up. "What happened back there?"
"I can't," I whispered, closing my eyes, that same day flashing behind my eyes.
"Akira-kun, please," Momo said.
"No. I'm sorry, Momo. I-I just can't," I said, grabbing my bags and leaving, the regulars all staring after me.
I was walking for about ten minutes before my phone buzzed in my pocket. I picked it up and saw a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, Akira. It's Momo. Horio-kun gave me your number. I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I did something wrong when I asked you that question earlier.
Me: It's fine. You don't need to worry about it.
Momo: Oh, good. I was worried this would ruin our friendship.
Me: I'm not that mean.
Momo: Yeah. Definitely not.

I added him to my contacts and then jogged the rest of the way home, dropping my stuff off and then grabbing my headphones and going for a run. I do this a lot when I need to clear my head and get rid of my thoughts.
After a while of running, I closed my eyes and then quietly sang along to the lyrics. My parents always said I could become a professional singer, but I don't believe them. I'm really not that good.
I felt myself collide with something and then crashed, landing on something soft. I opened my eyes as my headphones fell off and saw Tezuka-senpai underneath me. I shrieked and then jumped off of him.
"Sorry about that," Tezuka said. "I wasn't looking where I was going."
"It's fine. I wasn't either," I said with a sheepish laugh.
"Momoshiro said that you left abruptly so I came to look for you. What's wrong?" Tezuka asked.
"No. Not yet. I'm sorry, Tezuka-senpai," I said. "I can't do it yet." And it was true. I can't relive that day.
He held his hand out and pulled out his phone. I took the hint and handed him mine, unlocking it for him. When he gave it back he had a new contact in it and his number and contact information.
He turned to leave.
"Hey, Tezuka-senpai, thanks for checking in. I think I really needed that," I said. He nodded and then took off running the other way as I ran back to my house, Tezuka running through my mind.

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