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I just moved to Japan. Tokyo, Japan to be precise. My parents were here. And thanks to an old injury, I continously forget everything. Who I am and who my family is. It's miserable not knowing who I am. Who I used to be. I have amnesia. I constantly am forgetting my life and myself. I had been exploring the world, discovering new things, learning new languages, and teaching tennis to little kids.
I went from Australia to Japan. It took my 9 hours and 35 minutes on a plane to get to where I am today; standing outside my house door.
I took a deep breath and then knocked on the door gently. The door immediately swung open and in the doorway stood my little brother. Satoshi Horio.
"Satoshi," I said happily. He blinked and then jumped on me with a giant bear hug even though he was smaller than me. He was about 5', I was 5'5".
"Mama, Otosan!" Horio shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the house. "Akira's back!"
"Akira!" mama cried out, wrapping me into a familiar embrace. My Otosan did the same and I relaxed in their arms. I know them. I'm safe here.
"Akira! Akira!" Satoshi called, jumping up and down to get my attention. "You get to go to Seigaku with me!"
"Seigaku? I thought I was going to Seishun Gakuen Academy," I said, tilting my head. Satoshi laughed.
"Akira, Seigaku is Seishun Gakuen Academy!" Satoshi grinned as he looked up at me.
"Alright," I said.
"Hai!!" Satoshi shouted, excited. I chuckled softly at his excitement and then round my way up the stairs to my old bedroom.
I stepped into my musty room and then gently shut the door behind me with a soft click.
I took a deep breath and breathed in the dusty scent. My bed was in the corner by the window as always and then my desk was at the end with a lamp and chair. I had a small bookshelf above my bed next to the window. All the spines were dusty and brittle from being closed for so long. There was a rug in the center of my room that was light blue and white along with the old curtains.
I dropped my bags on the ground by the door and then turned on the lights. They worked perfectly. I stripped my bed of the old sheets and then went searching around the house for extra mattresses. I finally found a few of them and then dragged them one by one up the stairs and to my room. I threw my old ones down the stairs and then tossed the new, fresh and white ones on my bed. I made it with white sheets and blue flowers before changing the curtains to some new ones I brought. My carpet was fine so I don't need to change that one. I got a new lamp beside my bed and then finished fixing my room up. I even sprayed perfume and air refreshener into the air.
I finally got tired at about 10 and then fell asleep on top of my bed, awaiting the morning.

"Kira! Kira!" Satoshi called through my door. "We have half an hour to get ready and get to school on time!"
"School?" I murmured. "What school?"
"Mama!" Satoshi shouted. "She's having another phase!"
"Akira, sweety," an older female said as she sat down next to me on my bed. She looks like me. "Come. Take your medicine. It's memantine." I frowned but still took it. And then a rush of memories came back to me in an instant.
"Mama," I said. "I'm sorry."
"No. No, there's no need to be sorry. It's not your fault," mama replied. I nodded and then stood up and Satoshi and Mama left my room so I could get ready. I didn't have a uniform so I just wore a plain blue sweater-vest and black leggings with a long sleeved white shirt.
"We've gotta go! You can eat on the way! I'll introduce you to some of my friends!" Satoshi exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and pulled my out of the door. I easily kept up with him seeing as I run a lot.
Within minutes we arrived at a large white school. Seigaku.
"Here's your schedule. Let's go meet my friends!" Satoshi said, pulling me towards the tennis courts.
"Echizen! Echizen!" Satoshi shouted, waving his hand at a boy as he pulled my along. The boy seemed to be only twelve yet he was respected on the courts. He must be a first year. And if he's respected on the courts as a first year and twelve year old, he's Nanjiro Echizen's son. But I assumer nobody here knows that. He had narrow hazel eyes and dark greenish black hair with a white cap and a red racket in his hands.
"Echizen! Echizen!" Satoshi shouted again.
"Hm? Horio," the boy greeted coldly. He seemed to lack emotion.
"Katsuo, Kachiro!" Satoshi said loudly. "Guess who this is?!"
"Your girlfriend you've always talked about yet none of us have believed?" Echizen said without looking up.
"Echizen! That's mean," one of the black haired boys said. Echizen shrugged.
"No, no, no," Satoshi said shaking his head quickly. I thought it might fall off. "This is my sister. Horio Akira."
"Horio-kun has a hot sister?!" a spiky black haired kid shouted as he came running over. "Hear that, Echizen! Now's your chance to finally get a girl!"
"No, Momo," Echizen said.
Momo pouted. "Why not, Echizen?" Echizen shrugged again.
"Horio-kun has a sister!" a red head shouted as he ran over. "Chibi, now's your chance!"
"No, Eiji. Just . . . no," Echizen denied with a long sigh.
"I'm Kikumaru Eiji," the red head said, sticking his hand out. After another second he ended up jumping on me with a giant hug. "That's Momo, Echizen, Oishi, my doubles partner, Taka, Kaido, Inui and Tezuka. Tezuka's the captain of the team here." The brown haired kid looked up as he heard his name, his glasses adding an even more intelligent and sharp look to him.
"I'm Horio Akira," I said kindly with a bright smile.
And then everyone Eiji-senpai pointed out crowded around me except for the captain. He stood back a few feet watching.
Their names blurred together as they all moved closer to greet me. I was scared.
"Regulars," the captain called.
"Hai," they all replied.
"Quit crowding her. She doesn't like it," Tezuka-senpai said.
"Heh," Oishi said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry. I guess we're all a bit excited."
"It's alright," I said quietly, looking down at my feet.
The bell rang, a warning sign that we have five minutes until class starts.
"Hey, Akira-san," Eiji-senpai said. "You should come play tennis with us after school. Horio will be there too."
"Okay," I said plainly. I picked up my bag again and then walked off to my first class. I finished the rest of the day without any phases, but that always means there'll be one soon.

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