Chapter Four

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The day that Leo had been dreading had finally arrived,

Things were put in order; the catering, the place, and the dress code. Leo only had half the day of freedom, spending time with his friends, before he was fitted in a tight suit, and drove off in a limbo with his uncle seated beside him. They were heading to the place where the ceremony was being held, while Rose went early with some of the Omegas to get ready. Victor adorned himself in a pristine black suit, his face as deadpan as ever. Meanwhile, Leo traced his eyes over the passing trees, his cheek pressing against the cool glass of the window. His impulsive thoughts urged him to jump out the car and escape this madness.

"I heard you and Julian were getting along."

Leo jerked away from the window, turning to his uncle. He was met with Victor's steel gaze. It took some time before he fully answered. "Um, I suppose."

Victor gave a curt nod, apparently this pleased him. "Good, better to calm the waters now, than much later. You're less likely to cause a fit at your sister's ceremony."

Leo bit back a sharp remark. It didn't matter how much verbal weaponry he had under his belt, it would wash over his uncle's head. It was very rare for a man like Victor to be stirred by insults, especially for someone who lacked any emotion in the first place. Leo never even recalled Victor shedding a tear at his brother and sister-in-law's funeral.

"I'm curious, though," Victor started. "I thought you two hated each other, it came as quite a shock to hear that you two became friends–"

"We're not friends," Leo argued. Realizing his tone came out sharper than intended, he softened. "I mean, sure we're nicer to each other now, but we're nowhere near that close...yet." He added the yet part to assure his uncle, and it felt poisonous on his tongue.

"My apologies, that was what Rose had told me," he said, calmly. "But, you know, it would be beneficial for the family if you two did form a friendship."

Leo rolled his eyes at that statement. "I'll keep that in mind," he sighed.

"Also, it would benefit you too, to have other friends besides your usual lot."

"What's wrong with the friends I have now?"

"Nothing, they're nice and all, just not ideal," Victor shrugged, looking nonchalant.

What part of me is ideal?, Leo thought, grumpily.

He was glad to have the conversation end there, and he continued looking out the window. However, itching curiosity burrowed the back of his head. He wondered if it was the right time to interrogate him. Leo couldn't imagine what Victor and Rose wanted to tell him, but the thought kept him awake at night. If it was something bad, why was he left out on it? How bad could it be, to possibly justify leaving him out? The question clung to him, and he felt his mouth open to ask it...

...But his plans were disrupted, when the driver pulled up beside a building. An old gothic cathedral loomed over him, the sharp silhouette cutting into the purplish hues of dusk. He took in the creepy architect, carved from dark stone, contrasted against colourful stained glass windows depicting a woman draped in silvery silks. Leo was familiar with a place like this; it was where the Priests would go to worship the Moon Goddess. Frankly, Leo had been expecting something much prettier for this special event, but he supposed this castle of death and misery did fit his mood quite well. There were already people there, a mix of Evergreen and Nyx wolves, scrambling over each other wearing posh outfits. Anxiety bubbled in Leo's chest, the thought of being in close proximity with so many Evergreen wolves for hours made him want to stay in the car. But, he knew Victor would have just dragged him out, so he didn't protest as he reluctantly followed his uncle out of the car.

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