chapter 6 Bismarck fleet leaves for scrapa flow

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Bismarck went to Vestal and said.

Bismarck: Vestal I need ammution and shells to my fleet as you knew I am going to scarpa flow.

Vestal: Yes I know the shells and ammunition will be given to your fleet.

The next day Bismarck and his fleet members meet up with queen elizabeth warspite wales illustrious.

Q.E.: Good luck in your mission and return safely.

Wales: If you all need any help just call us and Columbia, Denver, murtanen, Nevada will accompany you to Pacific Ocean and from then you all will be on your own.

Everyone: Roger that.

Cleveland: Bismarck is the biggest battleship.

Hood: So he will be the flagship.

Javelin: We all will call you sir.

Bismarck: Okay get ready we will be leaving now.

Bismarck Fleet members: Roger that.

Bismarck all ships started to leave and girls weave at them

Cleveland sisters: I wish we could have been in his fleet.

Bismarck Fleet formation

Laffy and javelin in the front Belfast, Cleveland and helana behind laffy and javelin hornet and enterprise in the middle since they are air craft carriers and forward them is hood and in the middle of all ships is Bismarck.

Bismarck fleet continues to sail to scarpa flow.

Sakura Empire base

Furtaka: There back

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Furtaka: There back.

Furtaka: Welcome home akagi.

Akagi: Nice to meet you to furtaka.

Kaga: how is the preparation is going.

Furtaka: nagato and lord Bismarck wants to speak you with you  two

Akagi: I am on it.

Akagi and kaga went to nagato.

Nagato: So you are saying that a another battleship Bismarck who is a male and is form a another world.

Lord Bismarck: Wait me?

Akagi: Yes his ship was larger than yours and was pretty fast and strong.

Nagato: We should not take that enemy simple.

Nagato: Akagi get more information on this male battleship Bismarck.

Akagi: Yes nagato.

Bismarck fleet was getting closer and closer to scarpa flow.

Meanwhile at azur lane base

Pow: Where are fleet has reached.

Illustrious: They had passed Japan.

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