chapter 4

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The girls saw many ships going in the open altantic for Bismarck there were hundreds of them and they heard a voice of prime minister chural

Prime minister chural: The ship that sink hood yeah I known how will you do it call out every available ship in the royal Navy but we must sink the Bismarck at any cost.

Javelin: There goona sink Bismarck and there about hindered of ships going after for you and your are only with prinz eugen.

Bismarck: Yeah I was but while I didn't know that I was shadowed by two heavy crusiers Suffolk and norfolk
Followed by the damaged prince of Wales.

As he said that they saw Suffolk, Norfolk and prince of Wales behind Bismarck

Bismarck: but the biggest problem for me was my damaged that I have suffer 2 shots from prince of Wales had hit on 2000 yards and I was leaking fuel and to found the closest Port as possible.

Bismarck: They were two options for me to turn and get back to Norway or Cary out in the open altantic and reached the save heaven of France cover by the Luftwaffe air support

Bismarck: The Norway path was two risky so gonther luchens and the ship,s captain Hans liddemen decided to choose the path to France cover by Luftwaffe air bases

Bismarck: Luchens decided to play a trick he ordered a hard turn to starboard so prinz eugen could deatach and essaped.

Bismarck: Then ordered a another hard turn to starboard hoping to break of radio contact luckily this moved worked and I slipped away and essaped and many ships like prince of Wales,repluse, Suffolk and Victoria's were forced to break away from the mission due to fuel shortages.

Bismarck: I was lost in the altantic and the ships Rodney and king geroge v were far away from my range

Rodney: Wait did you just said that we were in your haunt.

Bismarck: yes and king geroge v was the flagship.

KGV: Wait I was the flagship of the fleet.

Bismarck: Yes but then at 7 am a luck for the British when admiral lochens brakes out raido silence and the messages are picked up by British code breakers.

Q.E. Code breakers what they are?

Bismarck: Code breakers picks up the messages by the ship and they are available to track down the ship.

Q.E.: That is amazing.

Bismarck: But the British made a big mistake.

Pow: A mistake but what mistake?

Bismarck: As you all know I was sailing to South to occupy France but the British was sailing in the wrong direction.

Bismarck: On board me croud is high the crew selbraters sinking hms hood most of the crew members are 18 years old.

Bismarck: But on May 26 1941 a Catalan flying boat dectes me.

As he said that a image played as they see the Catalan flying boat dected the ship.

Bismarck: The British forces were two far away to catch me I was 15 hours from safe waters admiral towey only hope lies with a fleet coming from the mettiteriam among them air craft carrier hms ark royal with swordfish of torpedo bombers flies in the sky barely able to see other they lie on the lead planes radar there is a ship ahead but the ship that they had seen was hms shiffefield

Shiffefield: Wait me but what is so special about That?

Bismarck: shiffefield but unfair of the fact they close on one of their own ships.

Bismarck the warrior in azur lane Where stories live. Discover now