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this is like...really really long...i'm sorry in advance

Dabi's POV:

I walked to their table and they both look at me surprised. "Holy shit..." I mutter.  She quickly grabs my hand and begins laughing, and crying. "Shit!" She whisper yells. 



She lets me go and wipes her face still laughing. "What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Kai took a deep breath. "Right, uh, the hospital burned down." My eyes widened. "I'm sorry, what?" He nods. "Yeah, that shit is gone." I turned to Himiko. "How the hell did you guys get in Korea?" She folds her arms on the table. "Um, the van we were being transported in got into a car crash annnnd we ran away." 

I couldn't tell if they were lucky or the complete opposite.

Wait, there were three people on the phone. "An-and Jin?" Kai leans back in the seat. "Oh, we left him in some ally way." I give him a confused look. "Why the hell did you guys do that?" I ask. "Because he can't be around more than two people without having and fucking break down." Right. That. 

"I'll be right back." Kai says getting up and walking to the bathroom. "So, where's Tomura?" Himiko asks, grabbing my attention. "Oh, um, I actually didn't tell him about...this. He's doing really well and I guess I didn't want him to have any reminders of the hospital." Her face lights up. "He is? He's not like, inside all day, is he? He's talking to people?" I shake my head. "He actually has a job." She gasps dramatically. "Really? Where?" she asks. "A library." She laughs. "That is so him." She leans back over the table. "Does he have any friends?" I should have just taken him with me. Or brought them to the house. I just can't bring myself to even mention it to him. "Yeah, he does."

"Okay, I'll get to the point." Kai said sitting back down in his seat. "What happened when you left?" What happened? "What do you mean?" Kai looks around the restaurant. "I look like you're eating like you're living in a house." I shrug. "Apartment," I correct. "How do we do that?" Himiko asks. "The same way we did." I pull out my phone to check the time. "Give me one second." 

I get up from the table and walk to the other end of the hospital. I go to the Tomura's contact and call him. "Hello?" Just hearing his voice made me feel guilty. "Um, a-are you still at work?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm getting ready to leave. Do you need me to do something for you?" I can hear him packing his bag. "No I was just checking on you," I mumble. "Well I'll see you at home, okay?" Damn it, it's too early. "I love you." I take a deep breath. "I love you too babe." I hang up the phone. Think, think, think, thi-oh, wait. I go back through my contacts and find the contact I'm looking for. "What do you want shit face?" Rumi, is prefect. "Do me a favor?"

Tomura's POV:

I close my bag and put my phone in my pocket. Dabi sounded really stressed out. Maybe I should get him something to eat. "Hello lovely." I look up to see Rumi and Mange at the front desk. "Oh, hey, wh-what're you guys doing here?" Mange places her hand on her hip. "We're here to take you out." I tilt my head. "Take me out?" They both nod. "Where?" I ask. "Shopping," Rumi answers. "Oh, I don't need anything from the store." I turn off my computer. "We're going shopping for the wedding. You know like...what're going to wear." Holy shit. "I was so busy planning the wedding I didn't even think about what I was going to wear," I mutter. "That's why we're where babes. Come on," Rumi grabs my arm and pulls my from the desk. 

"Wait, I have to tell Dabi." Magne grabbed my bag. "No need. Dabi called us." I give the two of them a confused look. "He-he did." Rumi nods dragging me out the library. I smile to myself. He was always think about me, even when I wasn't thinking about myself. "Do you know what you're looking for?" Rumi asks, locking arms with me. "Um, no. I don't have anything in mind really. I just want it to look nice." What I was worried about was the cost. Kurogiri said he was going to pay for the wedding and that was all I could focus on. Not a damn tux. We walked around for a while until we found a dress shop. I follow them inside. 

mentally unstable pt.2 ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now