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No one's POV:

"Babe. Babe. Baaaaabe." Dabi groans, turning on his side. "Baby, I have to go to work. I need you to get up." Tomura shakes him softly. "Babe."

Dabi was a heavy sleeper. He knew that. Tomura knew that. Every one knew that. So waking him up in the morning was not a piece of cake. Dabi had given his lover permission to be aggressive when waking him. However, Tomura didn't want to hurt him so he decided to not do that. "Honey, do you think you can finish getting the house ready for when Shoto comes? If-if you feel like it." Silence. "Daaaaabbbbbiiiiiiii." He rolled him onto his side.

"Rumi's here."

Dabi jolts up. "Where!?" Tomura giggled. "You are sick," Dabi growls. Tomura kissed his cheek. "I love you," he whispers. "Is that so?" Tomura stands up. "I need you to get up." He groans. "Do I have to?" Tomura grabs his arms and pulls him off the bed. "Yes. You have to work out the details with Shoto." He guides him into the kitchen.

"Also, do you mind going to the store today?" Tomura asked hesitantly. Dabi sat on a bar stool by the island. "Yeah, um, just text me the list." He wipes his eyes. Tomura grabbed an energy drink from the fridge. "Babe." Tomura turns to his fiancée. "Yes?" He eyed the can. "It's okay Dabi, I just need a pick me up." He kissed Dabi's cheek. "I don't have time to stop by the cafe' because someone didn't want to get out of bed." Dabi grabbed his chin and kissed his lips. "Have a good day my love." Tomura grabbed his shoulder bag and walked out of the apartment.

He walked to the library he worked at, which was only ten minutes from their home. To his surprise, Shuich wasn't at the desk. Maybe he actually went to work for once. He sat behind his computer. He opened his drink. 

"Good morning Tomura."

"Good morning Mr. Compress."

He watched as a family entered the building. "I'm surprised your friend isn't here today." Tomura smiled to himself. "Maybe he realized that he had to go to work to keep a job." A man approached the desk. "Excuse me, do you have any books by John Green." He smiled hovering his fingers over his keyboard is there a certain book you're looking for sir?" The son sets his chin on the counter. "Will Grayson, Will Grayson!" He was a little taken aback that, what looks like an eight year old, wanted to read such a book. Then again, reading is reading. He typed the title of the book and the author.  "We have a hard copy and a paper copy. If you follow me, I can show you where it is.

Tomura's POV:

"You got this."

"I got this."

"You can do this."

"I-I can do this."

"Tamaki. Tamaki, no, no, no, Tamaki!" He covers his mouth with a napkin and spit into it. "I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry." I put my hand on top of his. "It's okay. Really. I know it's hard." He pulls his knees to his chest and buries his face. "What kind of freak can't eat apple sauce?" He mutters. "Tamaki, it's not your fault. Sometimes ....sometimes eating is hard." It was difficult to give him advice without reveling my own experiences. I managed though. "Maybe we should just move on to another food." He uses his sleeve to wipe his face. "What's the point? We're not getting anywhere," he mutters. "I need to get back to work." Before he can get up, I grab his wrist. "That's not true. We'e gotten over a lot of food. You shouldn't look at it that way. That mind set is pushing you in the opposite direction. You're doing really good, and you've made a lot of progress in a small amount of time."

He leans over and covers his face. "I'm sorry! You're trying so hard to help me and-and I'm just complaining." I run my fingers through his hair trying to calm him down. "It's okay Tamaki." He sits up slowly. "How about we take a break tomorrow. I'll buy you what you want."

mentally unstable pt.2 ~ shigadabiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora