chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Old memories

I saw across the street this abandoned house me and Ty always use to hand out at as kids
I made it into the house and up the stairs as it creeps with every step I take

There a hole in the master bedroom wall where a window use to be I look around at all the scratches me and Ty made in the walls with knifes and pens

I open up the bottle of jack janiel and gulp it down my mouth til it was half way I kit the bottle on the floor shattering it in to pieces
I took a piece of glass

I agresivly started to cut my left wrist from top til just before my elbow as I lay back looking at the pile of blood that doesn't seem to stop
My tears was overwhelming me

I grab my phone and dial Ty new number

Hey u

Ty I miss u

Are u crying


Where are u

Ty! I wanna thank u for everything thanks for loving me thanks for everything u ever done for me and thank u for never forcing yourself on me

As soon as I said that the phone slip out of my hand and i saw imagines beginning to be replaced by darkness


Gee are u still there

After I scream in a phone for about ten min I notice something was wrong I felt it in my heart rose had send me the location of Scott's party so I figure I'll go there

I grab my dad suv and rush to the party making my way through the crowd of drunk and horny teenagers asking everyone if they saw her
Luckily an unknown blond girl explain to me she headed to that house pointing out the door

As I rush to the abandoned building I notice it look familiar but I didn't care at all I made my way to the steps and to the master bedroom

I saw her laying in the corner against the wall covered in her own blood I quickly grab her checking for a pull its faint but its there I grab her in my arms and hurried out the house to the SUV

I speed away heading straight for the hospital not caring about the speed limit or any road rules

As I made it to the hospital I quickly grab her in my arms and ran into the hospital yelling for help to my surprise they took her from me very fast that when reality sunk in I fell to my knees as tears escape my eyes

After what seems like hours of me crying a nurse took me to a waiting area with sofas

Mr what your name

Tyler but everyone calls me Ty

She nob

Are u related to the patient

I shook my head at her

Mr do u know where we can get the patient parent or guardian

I try to fake a smile

Don't bother her dad wouldn't even show up

She looked surprised but followed with her question

Sir will u be willing to sign here

Sure can I see her now

I'm sorry sir she's in ICU still we will update u

The nurse basically explain to me if I sign it I take full responsibility for the bills and I'm allowed to see her once she is stable

It felt like hours went by which it did at 3am a doctor tap on my shoulder I just look up at him

She's stable but

But what doctor tell me

He took a seat next to me handing me a coffee

She's in a coma she's very lucky to be alive she have lost so Much blood and we had to stitch her veins

I gave the doctor a hug idk why but this was the best news in my eyes

Go home u can visit her tomorrow at 7am

I just gave the doctor a smile and went home as I enter the house my dad was furious he look like he was about to kill me

Before he could yell at me I explain to him what happened and his anger rough exterior turn to soft one I handed the SUV keys to him but he shook his head

Keep them Ty but only for the weekend

I gave him a nob and went to crash on my bed trying to hold my tears back but it was impossible

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