Chapter 31

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Weiss, Ruby, and Sapphire all run out of a portal created by Dominic to the courtyard where Weiss thanks Dominic greatly before running as fast as her heels would carry her.

Dominic: You know if you guys keep on asking me to do this for you, I'm just gonna start asking you to pay me for my services!

Sapphire tosses about 5 lien in Dominic's face before following the two girls.

Dominic:*exasperated sigh* Thank you...

Ruby: Weiss, what is the big deal? Who is it? Who is she?

Weiss: Winter!

Sapphire: She's come back.

Weiss: Yes! But...why are you here?

Sapphire: I sort of...promised her something.

Ruby: Like what?

Sapphire: It's best not to get into it right now. Let's just go greet her.

The trio stand in front of the landing pad where many Atlas androids and soldiers all stepped out before Winter came down the catwalk. Weiss shouts out to her sister who turns to see the three running up to her.

Weiss: Winter! I'm so happy to see you!

Sapphire: Dial it back a little bit Weiss.

Weiss: Oh, your presence honors us.

Weiss bows respectfully to her older sister while Ruby stands there unsure of what to do.

Winter: Beacon, it's been a long time. The air feels....different.

Ruby: I mean it is fall so it's probably colder.

Weiss punches her leader on the arm and Sapphire holds in his laughter.

Sapphire: Pft!

Weiss: So, what are you doing here?

Winter: Classified.

Sapphire: As usual, Atlas keeping secrets.

Winter: Sapphire. Ever so courteous with your words.

Sapphire: It's good to see you too Snowflake.

Winter:*glaring* It's Specialist Winter to you Sapphire.

Sapphire: I'm not under your orders anymore Winter. I can call you whatever I want.

Weiss: Sapphire! Please excuse him! He has a habit of not thinking before he speaks!

Weiss scowls at Sapphire before clearing her throat and gets back into a proper posture.

Weiss: So, how long will you be staying?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Of course.

The silence unnerves Ruby and she decides to speak up

Ruby: Well, this is nice.....I think.

Weiss: You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it? I—

Winter: I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles it's...."bureaucracy". That is not why I came.

Sapphire leans over to Ruby and whispers something to her.

Sapphire: And I thought Dominic was the master at giving a sibling the cold shoulder.


Weiss: Right! I'm sorry...

Winter: Nor did I come to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears I have no choice in the matter.

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