Chapter 30

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(Daaayum! 30 chapters of this schlock! Let's make 30 more!)

The Vytal Festival Tournament. An event where teams from academies all over Remnant come to compete for a shot at showing the entire world what they have learned from their time at their respective academies.

Currently, the two teams facing off against each other were team WARD of Haven and team ODDS of Beacon. For those who are barely tuning in, they're in for a fun time.

Prof. Port: Three...!

Dante: Come on guys..!

Prof. Port: Two..! One...!

Dante: Let's rock!

Prof. Port: Begin!

Both teams charges in to each other and all eight of them clash weapons with each other.

Warren: Form up on Alvin!

Team WARD nodded at the orders of their leader and they all pushes back from team ODDS before going to Alvin who began to glow dark purple.

Prof. Port: Uh oh! It looks like young Alvin is using his semblance to become a wall for his teammates to hide behind!

Obito: What?

A haze of bullets were fired from Alvin's gun as the rest of his team hid behind him with them also taking shots at team ODDS

Obito: Retreat!!

Dante and Dominic both stood side by side to block the bullets fired from team WARD as they slowly backed up towards a rock formation that they used as cover.

Dante: Okay, so he can basically become a human shield. There's gotta be a drawback to his semblance!

Sapphire: Look!

Sapphire points to the monitor displaying both teams on it as well as their aura levels and team ODDS notices that Alvin's was falling rapidly.

Diane: Alvin! Stop using your semblance you idiot!

Warren: No! Keep using it for a little bit longer! I'm gonna go provide covering fire from the tree line while you and Reagan flank from the sides!

Diane: Typical! We do all the fighting while you just sit on your ass in the back.

Warren: That's what a sniper does Diane.

Alvin: Can you two not argue for like five seconds? We're going with Warrens plan! Reagan, you ready?

Reagan: You know it.

Diane: Ugh! Fine! Let's just beat these losers!

Alvin's aura stops depleting as he kneels down and begins to reload his rifle as Reagan and Diane both flank the left and right sides of the rocks team ODDS were hiding behind as Warrens body glowed and he seemed to skate across the floor as he backed away towards the trees while firing off a few shots at the rocks where team ODDS was hiding behind.

Dante: I got these guys! Let's see how they like the taste of Agni and-!

Dominic: Are you daft?!

Dante: Huh?

Dominic: How are you supposed to explain how you have multiple weapons in your arsenal?

Dante: I'll just say it's my semblance. What's the big deal?

Obito: Dante, you and Dom can teleport and do all kinds of crazy stuff! Do you really want the world to find out you being half you know what?

Dante: Oh...then what do we do?

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