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Why did he think the move would go well.

Aside from Weimar hitting Third with a chair while loading up the truck, the actual part of readying their stuff for transfer had gone pretty smoothly. Now that they were an hour into their drive, however...

"Stop touching me!"

"I'm not touching you!"

Germany clutched the wheel as Third and Weimar bickered in the backseat. Prussia, being the smallest, was situated between them. This did little to prevent them from fighting, unfortunately. 

"Boys," Empire rumbled lowly as a warning. Third and Weimar quieted for a few moments.

"This music sucks," and there it was again.

If Germany wasn't so focused on the idiot driver in front of him he would have given them a piece of his mind. Prussia was no use. He sat between the fighting nations with a massive grin on his face.

"Boys," Empire warned again. Weimar and Third continued to bicker. About what was anyone's guess, they changed topic too fast to keep up with.

Prussia's smile dropped. "Alright, I'm officially bored."

"Bored?" Empire asked, exasperated. 

"Yup," Prussia replied, staring at the ceiling.

"How can you be bored with all that going on back there," Germany wildly gestured at the backseat.

"I dunno," Prussia said absentmindedly.

Germany groaned. They still had five more hours of driving.


Three hours down and it felt like his ears were bleeding. Third and Weimar had been fighting nonstop the entire time. Empire had finally gotten sick of it and asked him to pull over.

"Ow!" Third yelped as Empire pulled in his ear, chewing him out.

"I better not hear a damn word out of either of you for the rest of the journey!" Empire yelled.

It was almost comical how the mighty Third Reich had been reduced to a shaking mess. Now that Germany could better note their height differences, even if Third was standing proudly, he would still seem like a child in comparison to his father. Empire wasn't anywhere near as tall as Soviet, but that didn't mean that he was short by any means.

Weimar stood there mutely while Empire took turns yelling at both of them. His eyes hadn't left the ground since they got out of the car.

"Third, you will be sitting up front now, Weimar you'll stay in the back with me," Empire ordered. They both nodded silently.

Germany gave a sigh of relief as they finally got back into the car and were able to enjoy glorious, glorious silence.

Then Prussia started humming randomly.

"Prussia, you good?" Germany sighed, looking at him through the mirror.

"This is all very boring," he muttered.

Germany slowed down at a stoplight. While they were stopped he took out his phone, unlocked it, and handed it to Prussia.

"I have some games on there you can play, if it has names or something similar thats my texting app, don't touch that," Germany said, turning around and seeing the light was green.

And so their journey continued. Prussia was happily occupied, Third and Weimar too embarrassed to speak, and Empire was taking a nap.

Germany was surprised how the next few hours flew by. He wished he could take a nap himself, though. Unfortunately there were no other qualified drivers in the car who could switch with him, no matter how much Third insisted he could drive. Germany chuckled to himself. He wouldn't even trust Third to drive a golf cart, let alone a two ton car going 100 kilometers.

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