Chapter 6

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 Tap tap tap


  I woke up to a strange tapping noise coming from from my windowsill.

Confused, I grabbed a broom and crept up to the window.

I jerked it open and and started shouting in French. Sometimes, when my emotions go in overload, like if I'm overly nervous or happy or something like that I'll start ranting in different languages, some that I didn't even know that I could even speak.

Qui est la? Montre toi! Je suis arme! Hey, es-tu la? Je vais appeler la police! (Translation: Who is there? Show yourself! I'm armed! Hey, are you there? I'll call the police!)

Suddenly, I saw a blond head bobbing up. I whacked the person on the head multiple times.

Then, I heard cursing. "Rina, stop it!"

That voice sounded strangely familiar......

"Chad! You idiot! You know we have a front door, right? I'm really sorry. I didn't realize it was you!",I said, pulling him into my room. "Donc desole, je ne sais pas, tres desole, etes-vous d'accord? Ai-je mal votre tete?

"Rina, slow down, he said laughing. "You're doing it again."

"You're babbling in another language. Again," he explained.

"Oh." I mumbled, blushing furiously."But how do you know I do that a lot?"

Now it was his turn to blush madly. "Oh, well, um-"

"Chad?" Eric's voice came from outside. "Are you done?" You know they're come right now, right? We need to get her to Freya's ASAP.

Okay, so now I was beyond confused to the point where I was almost angry.

"Chad?" I asked the idiot who was currently massaging his head. "What is going on?"

"No time to explain." he said, grabbing my hand, which sent tingles up my spine.

I jerked my hand out of his warm grasp. "Where are we going? I want to know where you're taking me, Chad. "

He growled. "You're so stubborn! look, I promise I'll give you some answers as soon as we get to Freya's, got it? he asked, holding his hand out.

I gulped. Who was Freya? But nonetheless, I still accepted his hand. Man, he could be plenty scary if he wanted to. "Got it."

"Good," he smiled, as if it was all cleared up, and FREAKING JUMPED OUT THE WINDOW, STILL HOLDING MY HAND!

Of course he brought me down with him. Of course I had to scream, and of COURSE we had to land smack dab on can you guess? Eric.

Eric groaned. "Man, the next time you decide to jump out a window two stories up with Katrina, who weighs a million pounds, at least give me a warning."

That was when I blew up. And this time, I blew up in Bulgarian. Man, I am on fire!..... With languages I didn't even know? Why? How? What?

"Iskash da mi se obadite na maznini? As prosto skochi ot shiban PROZORETSA! Kudeto sa dve idioti, koito nyamat samouvazhenie me vodish? Koi e Freya? Kakvo iskash? Imam semeistvo! Mamo, Tatko, Rita! Evelyn nuzhdae men. Zashto-" ( Translation: You're calling me fat? I JUST JUMPED OUT OF A FREAKING WINDOW! Where are you two idiots who have no self respect taking me?Who is Freya? What do you want? I have a family! Mom, Dad, Rita. Evelyn needs me! Why-)

Before I could continue, Eric's hand clamped over my mouth. "Shhhhhh, its okay sis, we'll answer your questions later. right now, we need to get you out of danger."

"Out of danger? Out of danger? I shrieked. You call jumping out of a window and ripping me away from my family- who need me very much OUT OF DANGER? Now they were starting to look a little scared. I couldn't really blame them. I mean, even I knew I was in hysterics. "And who ar eyou calling your sister? I'm not you're sister, even metaphorically.

Chad glared at Eric. Eric, looking sheepish, turned to me and said,"Rina, we didn't want to tell you, not right now in this position, but I wasn't speaking metaphorically. "I am you actual, by blood, biological brother."

That was the last thing I heard before a very hard, heavy object collided with the back of my head and knocked me out.

 A/N: Nothing really to say. Probaly that I didn't edit anything. :0


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