Chapter 3

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"You ready?"I asked Eric.

It was Eric's first day at Cornamela High. (weird name, I know). My mom had forced me to come with Eric so that he would have a "guide". The guy himself wasn't so bad, but my mom's way of thinking was.

"As ready as I"ll ever be". He grinned like an idiot.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him by the backpack into the school.

"Hi Mrs. Barm!" I said to the school secretary. "This is Eric Parker and he needs a school schedule."

She looked up from the computer and smiled. "Of course, Katrina!"She handed me an official looking paper.

As I reached to take the paper, I knocked down a pencil holder and a potted plant.

Horrified with what I had done, I started to clean up when Mrs. Barm shoed us out of the room to get to our classes.

Eric smirked as I turned red with embarrassment and hurried out the door.

"I'm going to call you Hurricane Katrina from now on." He stated.

Scratch what I said about him being nice. This guy was pure evil.

I glared daggers at him and do you know what the jerk did? HE LAUGHED.

I shook off the urge to kick him where it hurt and asked him, "Why do you want to call me that?"

"Because you are like a hurricane; you destroy everything in your way", he said with a look that said well duh!

I was about to answer him with an insult, but I noticed everybody was staring at us.

"Brace yourself", I muttered to him. Whispers started to fill the hallway.

"Who are the new kids?"

"I think I've seen the girl before, she is in my history class."

"Who's the new guy? He's hot."

Eric turned red from embarrassment when he heard the last one. I snickered and turned to him.

"So, can I see your schedule?" I asked him with my hand out.

He gave it to me and I quietly skimmed it as a cheerleading brunette came over to us.

"Hey there," she said to Eric in a flirtatious tone. "Can I have your number?"

Eric turned red and was about to say something, but I sensed he was uncomfortable and yanked him away from the pesky girl.

"Thanks", he said, immensely relieved. "I thought I wouldn't get out alive.

"Not used to that, huh?", I said as he nodded. He had told me before that he was homeschooled his entire life. "well we have 3rd, 6th and 7th period together, plus lunch. Thank God, I won't have to sit alone again."

"Who said I wanted to sit with you?"he teased.

"Me", I replied firmly, as I yanked him by the ear to his first period classroom. "well there ya go, make new friends and play nice with the other kids.

"Ok, Mother", he said jokingly.

I glared at him playfully and trudged off to my first period class. When I walked in everybody turned their heads and showered me with questions. If I had actually been showering with those questions, I would have been really clean.

"What is your brother's name?"

"How do you know the new kid? Is he your brother?"

"Can I have his number?"

It was amazing how many people thought he was my brother. I mean, we couldn't have looked that much alike, right?

I was puzzled. If I counted on my fingers how many people had thought he was my brother, I would need five sets of fingers and toes.

"It is just a coincidence", I told myself firmly.

Yeah. Just a coincidence.

A/N: Hey! another chapter of ITEOTH done! If you have any suggestions, please write in the comments.

Question: Favorite author?



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