Chapter 1

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"You're adopted!"

I remember hearing those two words for the first time in my life when I was six. Back then, I did not know what those words meant for me. But now I know. Ever since I knew, I have stopped at nothing to try uncover who my real parents are(even though I have gotten nowhere with it). Not that my foster parents are bad though. They are the nicest parents anyone could wish for. But it would be nice to know my biological ones too.

I don't really know anything about my real parents. The only thing that I have of them is a small silver ring with a sea green jewel encased in the front. It was with me at the hospital and it was too big for me to wear it, so my real parents put it into an envelope and put that into the basket I was in. Someday, I really, really wish that I can find them.

Alright, alright, enough said about the past an let's travel back to present day, shall we?

Present Day.

"CRASH"I groaned as I broke the third flower pot of the day. I was trying to plant some petunias in some clay flower pots for an Earth day project for school, but so far, I only succeeded to make a mess all over our driveway.

" I give up!", I shouted, causing a few people to turn their heads. But I didn't care. I sucked at planting stuff and i knew it. Maybe I'll just write a report about pollution instead.

I stomped into my house and went to grab a broom to clean up my mess. My sister older sistrer, Rita saw me and knew something was wrong.

"What's the matter?", she asked gently.

"I ruined my earth day project. Again." I fumed. I had promised my self that I couldn't ruin it this time, but I still managed. Why, oh why do I always break something before I can actually do my projects or anything, for a matter of fact?

"Oh", she said softly. She knew about my klutziness and never teased me for it.

"Well why don't we have some chocolate ice cream and then we can go out and clean up that mess that you probably have made." Rita suggested.

"Sounds like a plan", I said, grinning. I LOVE ice cream.

As soon as we finished our delicious frozen treats, we were about to head out when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I called to Rita as I trudged forward to open the door. I swung it open to see a (cute, as my sister might add)boy around my age with dark brown hair, tanned skin, and piercing electric blue eyes.

"Hi", he said, smiling shyly. "I'm Eric. My family just moved to California from Colorado."

A/N: Hi! To anybody that is reading this, I am sorry that the chapter was short, but I will try to make future chapters longer. for what ever reason that you landed on this book, it is your choice if you want to continue. This is my first book on wattpad, and I will try to make it as good as possible. Please comment if you see mistakes.I also want to point out that sometimes the updates will come really fast and others slow. Thank you!


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