Random Rant

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Hey guys!

This is exactly what the title states. This is a random rant. These will be occasionally posted whenever I fell like ranting about something. You can skip these if you want.

This rant is about Romeo and Juliet.

I mean, there was nothing wrong with the play or anything, it's something else that bugs me. You know how somethimes people compare their love to Romeo and juliet? That's what bugs me. I mean, I know they were like the mushiest couple in the universe, but I feel the need to point something out.


So, you're basically saying that you are dead people that didnt even exist in the first place.

And I am very well aware that they loved each other really deeply, ended feuds and Yada yada ya, but they die!!!!!!!!!!!

Please share your thoughts about this rant via comments. Thank you soo much for listening to my rant.

Calissa (:

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