𝟐𝟓. heaven can wait

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❛ heaven can wait ❜

❛ heaven can wait ❜

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     STRANGE, HOW HIS WORST MEMORIES were so much more clearly branded into his mind than the happy ones. He could still, to this day, remember the feeling of dizzying weightlessness when the getaway car had lost its grip on the road. He still remembered how time had slowed, the world spinning in a blur of hazy colors and sounds. Then, at the end, the terrifying disorientation when the car landed upside down. Or maybe he just remembered it so clearly because it was the exact same feeling that came rushing back to him now...

The bomb had hit, the world caving in all around him and he'd been thrown off his feet. His back had been slammed against the wall and for a moment, everything had turned to black. He couldn't possibly tell how much time had passed when he finally opened his eyes again.

There was only one source of light, a single sunbeam falling through a small crack in the debris somewhere above him. It wasn't much, but enough for him to see what had saved his life. The blast had loosened the cell door and thrown it across the room. It was stuck between two large pieces of debris, forming a small hollow in which Milo was laying.

Lucky couldn't even begin to cover it.

With a grunt he raised his arm, feeling for any wounds on his head. When he could find none, he slowly sat up straight. A stabbing pain in his left arm made him pause. The little light source provided him with the sight of a large gash going from his shoulder to his elbow.

"Fuck," he muttered.

It didn't appear deep enough to do any permanent damage but even with the limited medical training he had, he knew it would have to be cleaned and stitched. Soon. Because if it got infected, permanent damage was still a very real and a very dangerous option.

But there were more important things to worry about right now. That day of the car crash, his worry had been for his boyfriend. Now, it was for the son of the man his boyfriend put in a coma...Milo could only describe it as life throwing him the chance to make up for his mistakes.

"Carl?" he called out. Dust settled within his lungs and he coughed to get rid of it. "Kid?"

The silence that followed were the most terrifying seconds of his life. He had allowed Carl to come along. He knew it was dangerous. He should've said no, because now...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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