Fake it till you make it

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Heyyyyy welcome to this shitshow!! Yes I know the fic title sucks <3

 T/W for swearing and violence thoughout. Idk the mha plot or full character personalities sooo. Yeah. I'm making it up. Soukoku are sorting out their issues while being amazingly overpowered as usual 🤩🤩

This fic is crappy quality, just warning. Everything is on the spot and there is no beta or planned plot, just writing so expect shit <3

I've realised I can label something as crack and people think bad writing is intentional so-

Small TW for the use of word whore but it isn't used in regards to sex so-


This chapter kinda focuses on Chuu chuu but it's not obvious or anything.


Say, when Chuuya woke up this morning, he didn't plan to be sucked into an ancient wormhole by an eldritch being and thrown a few hundred years into the future.

He wasn't looking forward to the eldritch being but was in general prepared. Mori had given him a folder about the strange ability possessed by a teenage girl two days earlier and then left him to brude.

He was a bit confused about the ancient wormhole part, to be honest. Said eldritch being ability user was using their powers to teleport themselves around, manipulate civilians and cause general unease around Yokohama.

The thrown around five hundred years into the future was the part that had him stumped. 

Chuuya was having a great time; Running, jumping, flying, shooting, fighting, killing. The low adrenaline pumping through his veins skyrocketing with every shot and kick against the giant, whirling horde of limbs, eyes and ooze. 

Then that damn shitty mackerel showed up with his shitty group of shitty detectives playing the hero. (That was a lie. The Armed Detective Agency knew as well an any, better then most, that everyone in Yokohama was some shade of grey. The detectives were as bad as any drug dealer on the side of the road.)

From the centre of the quite frankly disgusting tornado came a low distorted humming, and slowly the tornado slowed and shrunk. Dazai was hidden from Chuuya's view for a moment as he dashed forward and then the familiar chains of No Longer Human wrapped the monolithic creature down. 

The many limbs tangled together and rapidly shrivelled, eventually returning to the shape of a female teen, asleep in Dazai's arms.

For a single stupid second Chuuya wanted to be there, wanted to be the one Dazai caught after a rough battle, but then Dazai dropped her and the moment was ruined. The ex-mafioso was quick to put a bullet through her before the chaos fully calmed down and backing away to make it seem like he wasn't the one to kill her. 

He didn't want his detective friends to see him murder but didn't want to risk her escaping. Quite an effective solution, Chuuya begrudgingly noted. 

Then time caught up and he barrelled toward the detective, spewing angry nonsense and looking for a fight; thank god they had sorted out some minor differences earlier in the truce/alliance.

(They weren't quite on speaking terms and they definitely shouldn't be left alone together for the safety of Yokohama, but they would stop fighting just short of killing each other now. Maybe.)

"Oi! What are you thinking, fucker!? We're here on mafia orders, y'know? I had it sorted-"

"Why hello, hatrack! Thank you for the warm welcome. I think you'll find we're also here on bosses orders."

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