
At Tyler Matthew's Penthouse

"So how did it go? What did you find out?" Tyler asks her as she spilled everything Kyle told her. He wasn't surprised when Sophia's parents were part reason why Kyle is miserable right now. And it wouldn't be surprising if Kyle hates her.

"Are you going ahead with the idea Ty? I'm ready with my services" she said as he sighed.

"As horrid as this sounds, the levels of child trafficking, extortions, flesh trade and other inhumane things taking place in DC right now are reaching new levels of insanity, if we delay any further I fear soon the entire country is going to hell sophs. We need to step up even if it's wrong to the law, the law is shitty anyways"

"Yeah I agree with it"
Then comes in Noah with a few other men and women dressed in all black.

"Sophia you're the most skilled person out there, no one can do this job better than you. But are you sure you are ready to enter this stage of your life?" He asks.
"I don't doubt my skills at all Noah. I'm ready to give my life for all these innocent souls who are getting tortured. Even if it means going against the fucking government".

Tyler speaks up.
"Don't worry about the legal stuff sophs, my connections are more than enough to keep everything under control. Give us your answer first"

"Like I said, I'm ready Tyler, no immature decision and completely in my senses I'm agreeing to this".

"Very well sis, now choose your name" He says

After a quick silence, she speaks.
Tyler smirks in pride at his sister's determination.

"Very well Silver, welcome to the Black Venoms. From now you're our main assassin and your very first kill is....


It is now 7:45 pm and Sophia is still not back. I just roamed around the entire flat. Observing her style and taste with the different types of decorations placed in the house. It's neither happy nor sad. Everything is almost numb. I wonder what actually goes on in her mind.

Then my mind shifted to our conversation, did we actually know each other before my accident? If so then why did I forget her? I agree that whenever she is close to me, i feel this weird sensation. Like I've felt it somewhere, it was short yet so tempting that I craved more but couldn't. Before Washington, i was miserable. Here I meet this girl who doesn't tell me why she helping me or why she is so keen on not letting me go.

But Sophia is that one girl who managed to make me feel slightly safe after that horrendous one year. Her touch was so gentle that I wanted it again. I craved her. Everything about her is so mesmerizing and mysterious. When she hugged me, consoled me, i was instantly placed in heaven. Her skin felt so right against mine. Her body felt so right against mine.
She...she felt right against me.

"Gosh Sophia what are you doing to me? Why am I suddenly craving you so much even though we don't know each other?" I sighed.

Suddenly the front door opened and I flinched but soon relaxed as i saw Sophia enter. She was wearing completely different clothes. Black leather pants hugging her thighs, a black shirt and jacket.

She looked sinful.

"Did you go anywhere?" She asked me. I shook my head saying no.
"You should've gone to the gym or to the park, sitting here will make you feel suffocated" she said as she removed her jacket and placed it on the couch.
"Didn't feel like it? I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation earlier..." I said in a low voice which she heard it.

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