The man reached into one of the pockets on his vest and pulled out a dark blue pill and displayed it to the entire squad, "In the event of capture, you'll be given a nightlock pill. A poison that acts immediately," He reached out to the brunette beside him, "Lieutenant Jackson will do the...honors."

She followed suit silently as Boggs explained the pods, and how to track them, more thoroughly. Finnick held his up and grinned at it mockingly. His smiled dropped when he saw the pale look of Kaianna's face. He could immediately see that she was thinking about her time in the Capitol, and the possibility that she could go back at any moment. He adverted his gaze back to Boggs quickly when Kaianna looked up.

"Our unit has been given a Holo," The commander held up the device before setting it on the table, "a database that contains a detailed map of the Capitol, and a list of every known pod. These pods can trigger anything from bombs, to traps, to mutts. We cannot move without this device."

Kaianna caught a glimpse of a ghostly look on Katniss's face but, Boggs kept going before she could examine the girl any further.

"There's no guarantee that our database is complete," He explained, "there could be new pods that we are unaware of. Because we don't want the game makers to know we have this intel, it has a self destruct on it. You flip this switch, say 'nightlock' three times, and it blows itself and anything within a ten foot radius. Stay within our unit."

When she looked at Katniss again, her eyes were on Gale. Kaianna recognized the look they shared immediately. It was far too similar to the one Katniss had shared with Peeta towards the end of the Quarter Quell, when they were planning on separating from the group.

"Even with the Holo, it's likely that new pods have been set. Whatever they contain, they are meant to kill you." Boggs said firmly.

"Sounds familiar." Kaianna scoffed.

Finnick stepped between her and Katniss with a dry chuckle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the seventy-sixth Hunger Games."


"I've never seen this place so empty." Katniss mumbled in awe of the broken down, and abandoned streets.

"Just keep your eyes open." Boggs instructed.

"Look at what he's done," Brooke gasped in shock at the mess they were walking through , "to his own people."

"Can you really say you're surprised?" Finnick wondered.

"I guess I just thought he'd treat his own people differently." Brooke shrugged.

Kaianna shook her head silently, signaling the two beside her to let the beeping of the Holo replace the noise from their conversation as they crept through the abandoned buildings. The crunching of their steps pierced through her ears uncomfortably, followed by the sounds of combat coming from miles away. Boggs gestured for the group to stop their approach, as the Holo went rampant with louder, faster beeps.

"We've got a pod," He pointed to gesture straight ahead, "let's take cover."

Finnick softly pushed himself in front of Kaianna before grabbing Brooke's shoulder and putting her behind him as well.

"Is he always like this?" Brooke smiled humorously.

"Unfortunately, I think he is." Kaianna rolled her eyes.

The smile on her face dropped at the sight of Boggs' stern expression. After she took the hint, He focused back ahead of him.

"Shoot through those two buildings." He barked his instructions to the mockingjay with haste.

Katniss moved to draw an arrow out of her pack, and rose her bow, but paused her actions when Cressida held up a hand to stop her. The blonde then climbed the steps that the unit had crouched behind.

"Pollux," She gestured to the space she was standing in, "right here. Castor."

She stepped to another spot, and soon enough the second camera man was following suit. Kaianna couldn't help but roll her eyes again. Everyone stayed down behind Katniss as she proceeded, pulling her arrow out and setting it in her bow before setting it on her target, and pulling back to aim.

"Hold it," Katniss sighed heavily at Cressida's instructions but, followed them nevertheless, "Pollux, tighter. Ok."

The mockingjay begrudgingly dropped her bow to reset herself, this time having the chance to let her arrow fly. Within seconds, the pod had set off, sending flames bursting from every direction. Everyone ducked as a crash sounded. Kaianna let out a shaky breath at the sound of a military vehicle smashing to the ground in front of them.

"It's ok," Brooke whispered reassuringly, "you ok?"

Finnick glanced behind him worriedly, but let it go when Kaianna nodded her head. He knew she shouldn't have been there but, he also knew there was no telling Kaianna what she could and couldn't do. Especially when it was coming from him. The soldiers watched intently as the flames burnt out, ready to attack if necessary.

"All clear." Boggs said suddenly, bringing everyone to their feet, and preparing them to move forward.

Finnick looked to the ground, and saw Kaianna still frozen, and shaking. It was obvious that she was somewhere else.

"Kaianna," He whispered, trying to gently bring her back into reality. The group moved forward, and Brooke sent the pair a worried look. Finnick smiled towards her kindly, "it's alright, you go we'll be right behind you."

The girl nodded, and did as she was told, warranting Finnick to focus back on the woman in front of him, "Kaianna."

She jumped when he touched her shoulder, prompting him to remove his hands immediately, "I'm sorry."

He stood from his crouched position, before offering her his hand slowly. She accepted it hesitantly, allowing him to pull her up and examine her more thoroughly.

"I'm fine." Kaianna muttered knowingly.

"Are you sure," Finnick asked gently, "because, if you don't think you can do this, then it's better to say something now-"

"Finnick. I said I'm fine," She pushed him away angrily, and began stomping towards the rest of the group. He caught up to her quickly, keeping the two of them a couple steps behind everyone else. Kaianna scoffed, annoyed at the feeling of the concern burning through his sea-green gaze, "as long as Katniss stays, I'm staying."

"But, you don't have to," Finnick said pleadingly, "I'm here, and Gale's here, and Boggs is here. Do you not trust at least them if not me?"

"It's not about that," Kaianna snapped, "It's about me. One of the only things I can without a doubt remember about our time in that arena is that my only job was to protect them."

Finnick went silent with realization. Protecting Peeta and Katniss, was the only thing she knew. The only thing that she didn't have to force herself to try and remember.

"I couldn't protect Peeta," She confessed sadly, "I was- I was right there and I couldn't save him but, I can still protect Katniss. Just let me do what I promised I would. Please."

Her voice was so drenched in anxiety, that Finnick swore he could taste it from there, but he could see it in her eyes. Her eyes, that were lighter, and more hopeful than they were before, showed him that she wouldn't let it go. Kaianna would cling to this fight, even if it brought her to her end. Even if it destroyed everything she had. In a way it already did.

So, Finnick nodded his head, and gestured her forward with the smirk that started it all.

"Well, let's do what we came to do then, shall we?"

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