Chapter 81

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I'd been taking small sips from my beer, trying to stretch it out because I knew that this would be my last. I was down to just coins in my wallet, which wouldn't even get me a sniff of liquor at the pub we were drinking at. I could have bought an entire case of beer for the amount of money they now charge for a few drinks at a pub. 

When faced with the task of having to organise a bachelor night for Ed, I had no idea what to actually do so I went to my dad and Sam, the only two married men I know, for advice. All I knew is that Ed wanted something low key and inexpensive. Dad suggested this pub because we would be able to get a good, quality meal and there would be a band playing for entertainment and Sam offered to hire a bus for the night, to save us all the hassle of paying for Ubers. 

The boys and I hadn't really all hung out together since high school and back then there was always that tension that lingered between Ed and I. That was long behind us now, I was going to be his best man next week at his wedding and I'm willing to bet neither of us would have ever saw that coming. 

My friendship with Ed had evolved this year, it wasn't like the friendship we had back in high school but out of the ruins of that decay we had built something different, stronger. I would trust him with my life, which wasn't something I could claim a year ago. I understood now, why he tried to keep Claire and I apart but I'd also proven to him that I could never hurt her, she was the most important person in my life and there was no way I'd risk losing her. 

I sat back in my chair, drowned out the conversations around me and zoned in on the lyrics that the cover band were singing. It was an older song that I remember my mum used to play in the car when I was a kid. Ed something or other was the original singer's name and the song is about how he sees his girl as perfect. 

I'd never connected with a song so much before, it was as if it described everything I felt about my Cupcake. From where we'd started out to how I pictured our future together. I know I have beer, coursing through my veins, clouding my decisions but I knew one thing was certain, Claire Lions was going to be my wife and mother to my children. 

I'd never pictured my life beyond high school until recently, mainly because I thought I'd be doomed to repeat the 12th grade until I die. If all went well with my court case and my record was abolished then I was going to apply for the police force. Claire would be studying pre-med at university and I would love for us to find a place to rent. These were now my goals, when I first started counselling with my dad, he told me to make goals that I wanted to achieve because it will give me something to work towards, not keep me trapped in my depression. I thought he was just talking out of his arsehole but now I see how his suggestion was pulling me towards something so bright, not dragging me down into the darkness. 

I'm pulled from my daydream of Claire when new glass of beer is placed in front of me by Ed. I'd been sipping on the last dregs of liquid in my glass for so long that the beer had gone flat and tasteless but I can't accept this, not from Ed who I know hasn't got much money left either.

"Thank you but You shouldn't be shouting me beer, it's your night and I'm your best man so it's my job to shout you." I tell him, feeling guilty that he spent any money on me and I can't return the favour. "Although, I'd have to borrow from my dad so it would technically be his shout."

"This isn't from me, it's from Uncle Sam." Ed informs me, pointing to where Sam is at the bar. "I told him that most of the boys were out of funds and we'd have to call it a night soon so he insisted on getting us all another round." 

I bring the glass up to my mouth and take a swig. This is good, quality beer, not the bottom ended, cheap shit I'd been drinking all night. 

"I've gotta give it to your uncle, he knows how to pick a good beer." I say to Ed, adding another goal to my ever growing list. Work hard so I can afford to buy the quality shit. 

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