7. Attack on the Carrier

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They pushed Bobbi to the center so Simmons could immediately get to work.

"She stopped breathing just before we landed." Hunter said, quite stressed.

"I bagged her, got her going again. Hurry." May said, referencing the gas mask that was feeding Bobbi oxygen in that moment.

Simmons and the other nurses had surrounded the moving table by that point and they all lifted it as a group, laying Bobbi out on a more secure bed so they could get to work cleaning her up.

"Let's get her prepped for surgery. CVC with dif chem-20. Portable chest X-rays. Cross and type for two units." Simmons spoke out to the others.

"Yes doctor." The nurses confirmed.

They pulled up their masks and began attaching tubes to Bobbi to allow her to breathe without the gas mask.

"Hunter can stay, the rest of you need to clear the room." Simmons ordered.

The group of non healer agents nodded and exited. Coulson led everyone out, bringing them to a clearing in order to give the mission statement.

"We will be going into the Carrier armed and ready to fight. There are many inhumans, we may not be able to fight them all but that's okay. Our objective is to reach Agent Weaver and the other prisoners on the ship and get them out. We will find Skye and get everyone out safely. Understand?"

Everyone understood.

"Good. Now get what you need. We fly out in ten."

The agents cleared out and began finding their weapons and heading towards the Quinjets. Wanda didn't have any weapons or suit she needed to wear, so she just started walking.

Skye's father quickly caught up to her since he wasn't fully aware of where to go and he expected Wanda to help.

"So, you and Daisy are friends?" He asked with a grin as he began walking next to her.

"Not really. I just showed up like.. a day ago. I don't even know how to process time at this point. But no. We're not friends." Wanda said.

She assumed, from the way she'd caught Cal and Coulson talking in the cell, that Daisy was Skye's second name or something. Like a family name. But apparently only Cal and Jaiying were allowed to call her that according to Cal.

"Then how are you apart of all of this? I thought SHIELD was about secrecy. If you just showed up, you shouldn't be important to them." Cal replied bluntly.

"I don't know. I'm not even technically an agent to be honest. I'm just here because of the Ultron incident." Wanda said, pushing away the memories and images that soon flooded into her head.

"Well I hope you're prepared. My wife won't hold back." Cal said with a nod. He didn't even sound like he was actually hoping the best for her, he more sounded like he was just having a poppy conversation and this was a normal thing to say.

"Thanks." Wanda replied.


May was in the piloting seat of the Quinjet they had boarded.

There were six more Quinjets flying behind them, all ready to aboard the Carrier once they arrived. For now, they were just soaring over the ocean.

Wanda had stood, holding onto a small handle on the roof of the jet. Coulson was doing the same, only he was standing to the left of her on the other side of the piloting booth area.

Fitz was sitting at a computer area, watching the map as the Quinjets flew closer to the Carrier.

"I'd like to formally voice my doubts about bringing Cal on this mission." May spoke to them, mostly Coulson.

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