"I bet," I say whilst drawing patterns on his forearm with my finger, he lets out a small hum and I feel him relax further into the warm water, "I'm looking forward to being with you tonight."

"Yeah?" Joel asks, and I nod, "me too, sweetheart."

After washing ourselves clean, the water has ultimately gone cold and it's time for us to get ready to leave to wherever Joel is taking us later. Butterflies swarm in the pit of my stomach and I can't quite seem to stay still as I dry myself off and change.

"C'mon, sweet thing - we better get goin'." Joel calls out to me softly as I hastily lace up my shoes, he tells me how his horse is waiting for us by the stables and Tommy has given us authority to leave. I guess dating the leaders brother has some perks, my lips curl up into a smirk at that but at the same time it dawns on me just how much things have changed as of late.

I never would've imagined that I'd be where I was with Joel, it was always a silly little crush all those years ago but now it's reality. He's ruined me for anyone else.

A short while later, Joel and I had left the safety of Jackson as we ride through the soft breeze of the summer evening. I haven't a clue where he's taking me but I sit back in delight as my body leans against his and I hear the soft patter of hooves clacking against the ground. It's oddly satisfying, so much so that my eyes slowly shut and I'm lulled into a peaceful rest.

"Baby?" My eyes languidly peel open as my body is lightly shaking, I awake to Joel softly moving my shoulders as he smiles down at me. The horse has come to a stop atop of high grounds which allow for you to see the entirety of Jackson below.

My eyes widen at the sight, you can make out the soft glow of the street lights which line the town as well as the setting sky along the horizon. Day bleeds into night as pinky, orange hues decorate the sky in a kaleidoscope of colours and tones. It's quite literally breathtaking as I drink it all in. This view point is magnificent.

"It's beautiful." I say, exhaling a little as I not so gracefully hop down from the horse as I can't seem to take my eyes away from the view. I can just about make out the tiny dots to be people as they move about below us.

"It really is." I turn to face Joel but he's already looking at me, and I have a sneaking suspicion that he wasn't talking about the view. I smile softly at him as he ushers me to sit.

From his pack, he withdraws a bottle of wine as well as a little blanket to sit on.

"Thank you." My heart feels so incredibly full at the effort he's gone to do something special for us.

"Not a problem." He shifts a little in his lap as he withdraws a breath but I pay no mind to it as my eyes dart back towards the view. I can't seem to look away, as I rarely have time to really appreciate the nature around us - all considering.

A silence pools between us as I lean my head against Joel's shoulder, we begin passing the bottle back and forth, each taking little sips of the wine he'd brought.

"I love you, you know that, right?" My heart always seems to soar when he expresses his feelings towards me. It always brings me this sense of warmth that I can't quite explain,

"And I love you." My lips curve into a small smile but once again Joel shifts in his lap and he runs a hand through his hair. I turn to look at him and see an expression that I can't quite decipher but he almost looks nervous?

He goes to speak but chokes up a little and his mouth parts but nothing comes out, he's fumbling a little and it ultimately just makes me feel nervous.


"What?" He's stuttering like a fool and my nerves just want him to spit it out.

Taking a deep breath, Joel straightens up and I slowly remove my head from his shoulder, "Okay," he starts, "I had this whole thing planned out but I can't seem to get my words out...'m feelin' like a little boy again." He pauses again and now I begin to straighten up as I turn to look at him. His eyebrows are pinched together and he keeps wiping his palms into his thighs - I'm trying to observe his behaviour but quite frankly it's freaking me out a little.

"Go on." I say softly.

"I never thought I'd love again, not after Sarah's mom split and especially when..." He trailed off, "you know, anyway I, uh, then I met you. I think I was in denial for quite some time, y'know putting up a front that I was undeservin' 'cus of all the stuff I had to do to survive but you made me feel again. I meant it when I said it to 'ya." I find his eyes again and I'm at a loss for words, he's speaking so heartfelt that I feel my throat burning as I swallow back tears. I haven't a clue why he's saying all of this but it's beautiful.

He then closes his parted mouth before quickly fumbling into his pack behind him, he's turned away from me as he rummages around so I can't quite see what he's searching for but all of a sudden he stills.

"Goddamnit." I hear him mutter which makes me frown. He exhales lowly before slowly turning back around to face me. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He says clearly with no hesitation, his tone is firm and direct and it has my eyes widening when he withdraws a small velvet box. Surely fucking not.

The box looks so tiny and delicate in his palms but I can't stop gaping at it. And suddenly it all clicks into place, the looks him and Ellie shared, the date night, Tommy allowing us to leave, hell even the pretty setting before us. Joel fucking Miller is proposing to me.

"I guess what I'm tryin' to say is...will you marry me?" He pops open the box and inside is a silver banded ring with a shimmering diamond in the centre, it's so simple but so incredibly beautiful that I find myself tearing up. I'm at a loss for words again as my heart sky rockets in my chest.

A pregnant pause falls and Joel fidgets as he awaits my response.

My response!

I fail to even realise that I've basically been rendered speechless as I continue to gape at him.

"Oh my God." Is the only thing I can utter out before my mind finally computes with my mouth, "Oh my God! Yes! Fucking yes!" I lunge forward into Joel's arms, to which he welcomes me immediately looking very relieved, and shower him with little kisses.

My grin widens as I wrap my arms around my now fiancé and I couldn't be happier,

"I fucking love you." I breathe out, still in Joel's hold as our lips draw into one another finally. His mouth is hot and wet against mine and honestly, I'd let him take me right here.

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