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I barely even registered what was happening but what I did know was that Joel came. He came to save us and was now taking us to a safer place, but despite this, I couldn't help but worry. What if someone followed us? What if they ambushed us? My head was rushing with all these questions and continued to pulsate as I stumbled across the snow.

My chest heaved from the smoke I'd inhaled and my limbs were so, so weak.

"C'mon baby, almost there." I hear Joel mumble, desperation evident in his voice as it shakes. I'm so, so tired and all I want to do is just shut my eyes. "Keep them open for me sweet thing, keep them eyes open for me." Joel shakes my shoulders gently as we walk, he's keeping me upright but I'm afraid I can't hold myself up for much longer. "Ellie!? You good?"

She was a few steps ahead of us, and has been silent this entire time. The last I'd heard her speak was calling me mum, it was the sweetest thing I'd heard and I hope in the future she calls me it again only in a happier setting. I'm ready to give my all to her, we're practically trauma bonded at this point as we both experienced the same thing.

Joel leads us up the front steps to the porch of an abandoned cabin, and all I want to do is sleep. I'm seated on the old sofa as Joel searches the perimeter for any potential danger and when he confirms that it's safe, he then begins to barricade the entrances to the house so that we're secure for the night. The journey to the hospital continues tomorrow after we're well rested.

As the commotion continues around me, my head finally gives way and hits the sofa cushions beside me. I've kept my fight for long enough but for now...I just need to sleep. As soon as my head is comfy, I'm immediately lulled into sleep, it's almost as if I've blacked out.

A few hours have passed and I notice the sun has set and luckily the pulsating in my head has ceased, I still feel a little woozy but the pain isn't as splitting as it once was before.

As I gaze around the front room, Ellie is peacefully asleep on the opposite sofa. Little snores emit from her parted lips and I can't help but think of how her innocence has been unrightfully ripped from her. My heart aches for her.

"Em?" Joel softly calls from the other side of the room, he's leant against the doorframe with kind eyes as he looks at me.

"Joel?" My voice wavers as I speak, and I bite my lip to prevent myself from crying. The last twenty-four hours have been so painful for both myself and Ellie, physically and emotionally.

"C'mere." He gestures to the room adjacent to him so we can speak freely without waking Ellie. I appreciate that.

The other room has a large bed in the centre of it, a small dresser opposite the end and a wardrobe on the other side. The room is in surprisingly good condition all considering. I glance behind my shoulder to see Joel softly shutting the door, and it's nice to see him so aware not to disturb Ellie.

Exhaling through my nose, I gingerly sit down at the foot of the bed and Joel comes and sits beside me. Our thighs are touching but I pay no mind to it as I begin to speak,

"I was so...so scared." Tears are brimming at my waterline as a wave of emotion hits me and suddenly I'm there again - I'm back in David's metal cage with a bloodied head, rattling against the bars entrapping us. At the thought of my head, my fingers trace the wound and it seems as though it's been treated. I assume Joel did so. "I just kept wishing and praying you'd come through those doors and fucking kill him." My entire body shakes at the reference to David and I'm just glad that he's dead.

"Oh baby." Joel's face contorts into worry as he frowns and pulls my torso into his. I exhale again shakily as his strong arms wrap around me, I feel so safe again and it immediately puts me at ease. "When you and Ellie weren't there when I woke up, I was so worried. I ain't felt like that in a long, long time." His eyebrows crease even further as he looks down at my teary face.

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