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At long last, we finally reach that radio tower Henry had promised us. And although none of their group had arrived, we settled in quickly and began conjuring up something to eat. Henry was heating up beans or something of the sort on the gas powered hob and although it wasn't much, I was practically salivating at the sight.

I found myself tucked into the corner of the room, staring out into nothingness and not saying a word. My mind had finally comprehended what had actually happened earlier today and replayed those hunter's conversation on a loop. I began to wonder what would've actually happened to me if I'd of missed my shot, what would they have done to me? It was sick, disgusting and a constant reminder to always have my back up.

I audibly sighed, resting my palm below my chin, and before long I could feel the burning gaze of Joel as he stared at me. I'd not really spoken to him since getting to the tower, just wanting my own company. Part of me felt stupid, silly even, nothing even happened and usually I wasn't one to dwell but this was frightening. I felt violated by that man's words. But soon enough, I was lulled to sleep by the light chatter of Joel and Henry.

When I awoke, I wasn't entirely sure how much time had passed but the sky no longer held it's pinky hues but rather a cold, raven night with stars that twinkled from above. It was pretty, seeing everything so still.

Glancing around the room, I noticed the absence of Henry and Sam who must've decided to sleep in one of the adjacent rooms as did Ellie. I was startled to see Joel, just me and him and better yet he was still awake.

"Hey, sleepy head." He mused, staring back at me. He looked so at ease, laying on the other sofa with his arms propped behind his head and I couldn't help but notice the way his biceps bulged as he shifted. Joel was hardly ever peaceful but in this moment he seemed so relaxed.

"Hey cowboy." I cracked a small smile as I sat up, stretching my arms above my head and yawning. The bottom of my shirt rode up and I could feel an absence of warmth on my lower belly, I could've sworn that Joel's eyes flickered there momentarily.

"You doing okay? Never seen you so quiet earlier." Concern flashed upon his features as he tried to read my facial expressions, he knew something was up no matter how hard I tried to conceal it.

I shrug, "Nothing I can't handle." At that, he frowns wondering what an earth had happened but soon enough he seemed to catch on.

"What happened back there? Them damn hunters do anything?" He now sat up fully, swinging his legs over the sofa so his feet touched the floor. I was about to reply when I slowly lost focus, his legs naturally spread wide and his hands now rested above his crotch. For fuck sake.

Snapping out of it I shook my head, "Just said some nasty stuff, but I took care of them." Joel frowned at my vagueness but I could tell he knew what I was hinting at.

"Said what exactly?" His gaze hardened, clearly in deep thought.

I pause shakily before continuing, "...About what they'd do...if they got their hands on me." My breath quickly became laboured as I remember their sick grins, like it was a joke to them.

A silence pooled between us, no words spoken. It had been a minute or two before Joel finally replied.

"I...I should go back there and fuckin' kill em. Sick fucks, they deserve their heads bashed in." He fumed, shaking his head at the thought. His hands almost twitched and I could hear the crack of his knuckles as he flexed them.

"Joel, it's okay. I promise, I'm okay and I already finished them off. Knife between their eyes." I say softly. From across the room, I hear him shift before making his way over to me. He moved with purpose as he came close.

"Thats my girl," He cracks a smile, "Now scoot." Patting my leg, he gestures for me budge up to fit him next to me. My heart thumped in awe at the phrase, his girl.

"Joel?" He hums in response, wrapping his arm around my shoulder for comfort, "Thank you for making me feel safe." He shifts, looking down at me for a moment about to speak but I shush him, "I...I know we had a rocky start all those years ago but I feel as though we've come a long way. I've missed you, seems silly to say but we got so close...and then...nothing." I sigh, my feelings towards Joel were...complicated. At one point I really did feel something for him but I guess it fizzled out once we went our separate ways and well now? I wasn't so sure.

"You're somethin' special, Em. Just remember that. I've known it from the start." He mumbles, tightening his grip around me.

I smile, feeling as though we've picked back up that momentum we had when we last saw one another, like nothing ever changed. We were slowly breaking down each other's walls all over again.

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