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Following Henry through the building, Ellie and Sam aimlessly chatter behind us. It was sweet that she had another kid similar her age to keep herself busy, she was only a child and it wasn't fair that she had to live like this. The least she could have was more people her age to converse with.

"Is it just you two and your daughter?"

At that, me and Joel exchange wide eyed expressions, words caught in our mouths as I choke on air.

"We're not - she's not - ah I promised someone I'd look after her and Emily, we've known each-other way back." Joel tries to explain, making me chuckle at his flustered state.

"I only actually bumped into them earlier today, other than that I haven't seen cowboy over here in years." Henry looks amused at my words.

"You two close then?" He asks, trying to get a gage at our dynamics.

"I'd say so, but Mister Grumpy would probably say otherwise." I tease, chuckling at Joel as he rolls his eyes but a small smile splays across his lips.

"I see." The dark skinned man smiles, it was rare to see people so bonded in this time. Everyone so on edge twenty-four/seven.

Upon entering a shop, I first noticed rainbow painted walls and old toys scattered about the room, abandoned with no children to play with them. It was bittersweet.

"-It's that fucking truck - been hounding us since we entered town." Catching the end of Henry's sentence, I sighed. It seemed that leaving this city was proving harder than expected, this truck was freaking everywhere. "Sam get rid of it." Following his gaze, I frowned, Sam was clutching a little robot toy that looked as though it weighed nothing, "The rule. What is it?"

Sam throws the robot to the ground sadly, "We only take what we have to." He stares at it longingly before moving on.

"That's right. Now come on."

Damn, talk about harsh.

We continue the way to the back exit of the toy shop as Joel questions, "How far is this place?"

"We're getting close." Henry answers as he shuts the door. It leads them out to a back alley, where three hunters we talking amongst themselves. I gulp, feeling my heart rate rapidly increase once more.

"Shit, Ellie, you watch our backs." Joel orders her and then sends me a pointed look. I nod and follow his lead.

Henry, Joel and I sneak forward, Joel rounds the corner of an old, rusted van and takes out the one furthest away, while Henry and I stealthily kill the closer hunters.

"We did it. Not bad old timer." Henry compliments, with a chuckle.

"Who you callin' old timer?" Joel grumbles causing me to stifle a laugh at his expense, and quickly check over the kids, we climb over a car and into a truck when two more hunters walk across a wooden plank.

"Oh shit, more guys up ahead." I warn.

We quickly take cover behind some old vents and Joel pulls out his bow and arrows, quietly yet skilfully taking out the hunters. It was kind of hot if I was being honest, he was good with his hands. Shaking those sinful thoughts, I hurried to keep up with the group.

"Through this door." Henry commands, leading us all.

"And you're sure it's safe. Being so close to them." Joel comments, clearly having his doubts about their hideout. But I decide to keep quiet, not adding any fuel to the fire.

"I'm the only one with the key, man." The younger man reassures him.

"-And where'd you get that?" The older man counteracts, hardening his gaze.

"I killed one of 'em. He won't miss it now." Henry says as he opens the double doors with a cheeky grin, "welcome to my office."

Ellie looks around, "how long have you guys been held up in here?" I was too, curious about how long they'd been here.

Sam explains, " A few days, we found a bit of food though, blueberries, found a whole stash of them, you want some?" The younger girl agrees with an excited nod yet Joel and I decline. After todays excitement I'm not feeling so hungry.

"Hey, man, relax, we're safe." Henry attempts to ease Joel's suspicions but at no success. Me on the other hand, I still have my doubts but I'm open minded.

"So why haven't you left?" Joel asks, voicing my exact thoughts, we share a look before Henry continues.

"Been waiting for the right opportunity." Henry explains.

"And?" I wait for him to clarify further.

The younger man walks over to a broken window, "Here, check this out. These sons of bitches, everyday, they congregate down there. Guarding that damned bridge. Come night time, it's down to a skeleton crew. After sunset, that's our window. With most of them gone, we can sneak right past them."

I hum in thought, it's risky but definitely doable so long as we rest up and take some precautions.

"That could work." Joel comments, nodding ever so slightly.

"It will work. It'll definitely work." Henry confidently corrects him on his plan.

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