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Eastern Colorado was much further than I'd ever imagined, I'd forgotten just how massive this fucking country was. We'd been on the horse back for what seemed like hours now and I was quite proud of myself for handling the horse so well considering my little to none experience. I smiled every time Joel would glance behind his shoulder to check on me. It was the little things.

The sun was setting soon and we'd yet to find a place to settle for the night, according to Joel we weren't actually too far from our destination and would probably be there before sundown tomorrow but for now we needed rest. So did the horses.

"Hey Joel, look there." Joel glances at my extended finger and then looks in the direction I pointed at. Just off the side of this street was an old motel and by the looks of it hopefully it was unoccupied too. Cautiously, we neared the entrance and Joel hopped off the horse he and Ellie were riding, whom of which we learned was named Callus. The one I was riding was named Clarke. They were awfully cute.

"It's clear!" Me and Ellie turn our heads in the direction of Joel's voice and hop down from the horses. Tying them up on a grass patch out of view from the main road, we enter the motel to where Joel had set up base for the night.

He'd led us to a back room where we could see the horses from the window, there was a large double bed and another room adjacent with a smaller single one. Joel and I had shared a bed before so it was no trouble this evening.

"So, I got canned spaghetti hoops or beef ravioli. Take your pick." I ask the others as I empty my bag, grateful for Maria letting me take some food before we left. Although they were probably over twenty years old, it was all that we had so it was better than nothing. Beggars can't be choosers.

"I had the ravioli last time so spaghetti hoops it is!" Ellie clapped her hands as she got to work with the can opener and soon enough, the lid pinged open.

"Sorry, no heater this time so cold pasta tonight." Like I said, beggars can't be choosers.

"Yum." Joel sarcastically rolled his eyes as he spooned out a mouthful of cold ravioli, I mirrored his grimace as I did the same.

"Gourmet, right?" I chuckle as I watch Ellie get stuck in with her spaghetti. Joel looked over at me, amused, before returning to his food.

"Ha, jokes on you guys 'cos this stuff is way better than that ravioli shite!"

"It looks like cat shit." I dead pan, trying to keep a straight face as hers drops.

"Gross! I am trying to eat over here!" I lose it, bursting out laughing and soon enough we're all laughing and after a while we're not sure what at. I calm down as my stomach cramps and aches, it was nice to let loose. I let the silence pool for a little while before speaking what was actually on my mind, "So, you guys gonna stop keeping me in the dark about what is really happening here?"

My eyes glance at Ellie first and she looks awfully guilty as she chewed on her bottom lip, then I turn to Joel and he has a similar expression.

"I'm sorry! I honestly thought Joel had already told you, it's silly but it's not exactly something to throw around..." Ellie trails off.

"It wasn't anything personal, Em, I'm not gonna lie I kinda forgot about it with all the chaos happenin'. Just keep an open mind, yeah?" Joel then nears closer to Ellie to which he nods at her and gently rolls up her sleeve. Once her arm is now bare, I can't help but notice the marred, pinky skin which protruded her wrist. It was a fucking bite mark.

"Am I seeing seeing straight?" Ellie and Joel nod which only confirms my thoughts. The thoughts of which were rapid firing across my brain, not knowing how to process what I was seeing. It was clear that she had been bit but how had she not turned?

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