For protection {Mafia Bakugou}

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Romantic Yandere mafia Bakugou
Female reader
Honestly I forgot about these requests until today so I'm using up my motivation to get them done Lmao. Sorry for the long wait
Requested by: Totallynotasimp_16
Please enjoy!

{Y/n POV}
Today is the day I'll be agreeing to marrying Katsuki Bakugou, one of the most powerful and feared mafia boss in Japan. The same person who has been demanding that I should marry him, as 'he's the only man who can keep I and my family safe' as he says but I didn't give in until only a few days ago. A family member I care deeply about was attacked and is currently in the hospital recovering and that's when Katsuki showed up with papers in his hands today as I was visiting , I had no choice but to sign them in order for protection. Katsuki knows that too, as long as we're married there is protection for us.

I took the papers from him as we walked into an empty room and he gave me a pen. I was reading through the contract when I came across a section saying 'party B can not leave the house unless accompanied by party A'. I re-read to double check and then look back up at Katsuki.

"What about my family? Can I not visit them?" I looked at him bitterly, my eye brows arching as I shoved my finger into his shoulder and he chuckled at that, finding it entertaining to him.

"They can always come visit, call, or when I'm there with you we can go visit them. Something wrong with that sweetheart?" Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest as I glared and huffed at him.

"Yes! I want to have my freedom and go wherever I want to go! I'm a person, not some animal you can keep locked up forever from the world Katsuki and don't call me sweetheart as we're not even together or married!"

"You are right abour being a person and not some animal, I'm not keeping you locked up from the world, you are aloud to be outside in the premises but not out of it without me, this is for your protection y/n. I just want to keep my future wife and her family safe, don't you want that? You need someone to protect both you and them and I have rje people who can do that!" Katsuki raised his voice a little getting impatient with me.

"I-" I tried getting something out but no words came to me, he was right about that. I closed my mouth and sighed out loud before signing it and handing the contract back to him and he smirked before taking my hand in his. "Now that you have agreed, we'll need to plan the wedding." He said and took out his phone and started barking out orders to people as he walked out of the hospital.

{Katsuki POV}
Finally, I have my darling in my arms now. I hardly had to anything to force her to, she agreed to this but there is no way out. Not that she knows of course but that won't matter.

{531 words}

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