Chapter 11

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In town, the guys had just painted the chairs green, blue and pink and decorated them with sparkles and flowery stickers.

"Wonderful. These chairs should knock Marlyn's daddy out" said Chad.

"And hopefully Marlyn too" whispered Burt.

Marlyn came over and saw the festive chairs. 

"Chad, what did you do?!" she said in shock.

"I made the chairs the way your daddy wants them" said Chad.

"How could he want anything? He died two years ago!" said Marlyn spontaneously.

Check backed away in terror. "Pardon me?!"

"A-ha! So he's already dead! I mean, I'm sorry for your loss, but you're a liar!" Patty snapped.

"I's very disappoin'd in you, lady!" said Brer Rabbit.

"Me too! And to think I let you date my friend!" Burt agreed.

Chad took Marlyn to the side. "So it's true? You only went out with me so you can make money for a new car?" he said.

"No, of course not! It's not new, it's gently used" said Marlyn. 

Chad picked up a nail dispenser and said "Well, you better clear off, or you won't be able to drive your gently used car because your hands will be nailed together!"

Marlyn said a quick "Okay!" then dashed off, leaving the cheated man alone.

"Oh dear, dear, dear..." Chad sighed.

"Chaddy? Are you okay?" said Patty.

"No" said Chad tearfully.

He took off his glasses, covered his face with his other hand and tearfully ran into Walmart.

"Ya shoulda let me bring my racquet" said Brer Rabbit to the other two.

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