Chapter 2

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As the four friends returned to the Briar Patch, Chad stared into space. 

"So, Chad... what did you think of that Marlyn lady we met at the store?" said Burt.

"She's so dear" Chad sighed. "In New York, I expect she'd rent for two thousand dollars a month."

"Well, you betta get sum cash togetta cuz she's right by yo door!" said Brer Rabbit.

Chad turned around fast and he saw Marlyn inspecting an Adirondack chair next to the Briar Patch.

Just the sight of her was enough to make Chad giggle again.

"Aw, no. He gigglin' like a hyena ag'in" said Brer Rabbit.

"What's she doing here?" Chad whispered.

"Because we thought you might like to talk to her some more. But in complete sentences" said Burt.

"Oh, I dunno if I can do that. Just look at her" Chad sighed.

"You'll be fine. Just be calm and cool" said Patty.

Chad slowly walked up to Marlyn who greeted him with her pretty smile.

"Hullo, Marlyn. It's... nice... to see you again" said Chad awkwardly.

"Howdy, Chad; nice to see you too" said Marlyn casually.

"Nice to see you too" Chad swooned.

"He already said that" whispered Patty.

"Holy deja vu" said Burt.

"It's like watchin' Brer Bear pull bees outta his nose" said Brer Rabbit.

Marlyn brought her attention back to the chair.

"My word, this chair is as good as all git-outs. Whoever made this must really speak the language of wood" she said.

"Actually, I made it. I speak oak, pine and a little mahogany. I also speak bamboo" said Chad.

"Bamboo? Why, that must make things confusin' on halloween. Y'know, I tried to learn hickory, but it was too hard. I guess it's because it's hardwood" Marlyn joked.

Chad didn't answer. All he did was stare at her pretty face. 

"Brer Chad, laugh" said Brer Rabbit.

Chad laughed at his command. 

"Y'know, Chad, I think I'd like havin' you around. Why don't we get to know each other a little better over dinner tonight" said Marlyn.

"I'd love that" said Chad.

"That means he'd love it!" Patty squealed.

"Uh, Patty? That's what he said" said Burt.

"Oh, it is isn't it? Sorry, Chad" said Patty.

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