Chapter 4

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Brer Rabbit opened the door to find Marlyn standing there in her favorite pink dress.

"Howdy, Sis Marlyn. I's Brer Rabbit" he said.

"I know. We met in the store yesterday" said Marlyn.

"Don't talk back ter me, lady" Brer Rabbit snapped.

"Yes sir!" said Marlyn quickly.

She came in, cleared her throat and said "Where's Chad?"

"Let's not worry 'bout Brer Chad right now. Let's talk 'bout you. Where d'you see yo'self in five yeahs?" said Brer Rabbit.

"Five years older?" said Marlyn.

"Okay. I sees on yo' resum-ay you worked wit' Petah Graves. What's yo' relationship like wit' him?" said Brer Rabbit.

"Not great. He's in prison" said Marlyn. 

"D'you have a retirement account?" said Brer Rabbit.

"I have a wallet" said Marlyn.

The rabbit had just backed her into a corner.

"Chad? Help?" said Marlyn.

Chad came out of the bathroom and smiled at the woman.

"Hello, Miss Marlyn. May I say. You're looking very pretty today" he said.

"Oh, thank you. I guess I look pretty 'cause I'm so excited for tonight. And you look so handsome, Chad" said Marlyn.

"Thank you, luv" said Chad.

He linked arms with the girl and started to exit the Briar Patch.

"Just have 'im back by curfew o' de next ting you'll be makin' outta wood is yo' own coffin" said Brer Rabbit.

"Don't worry, Marlyn. He's just kidding" said Burt.

"But just in case, let's walk fast" said Chad.

In the Laughing Place, Jeremy was trying to read a history book while Brer Bear lay asleep, snoring extremely loudly. 

"Learn anything yet?" said Brer Fox.

"Only that Brer Bear has a deviated septum" Jeremy groaned. 

"Brer Jeremy, peoples have bin try'n ter find diss trezhuh fo' years. Maybe diss is just too hard ter find" said Brer Fox.

"Too hard? I'll have you know that I grew up in a town where rich people live. I had to carry the queen's crown at her coronation. Now that was hard" said Jeremy.

"Huh?" said Brer Fox with confusion.

Jeremy took one last look at his book then found something.

"Guys! Check this out!" he said.

Brer Bear woke up in an instant and said "Izz it Brer Rabbit in a beehive?" 

"What? No! It's a picture of Splash Mountain's founder Tony Baxter in this very forest" said Jeremy.

"Den I's goin' back ter sleep" said Brer Bear.

"Oh, man up, Brer Bear, an' look at de picshuh. He's wearin a chain wit de same coin attached to it. So Tony musta had de trezhuh" said Brer Fox.

"According to this book, Tony Baxter discovered the Slippin' Falls first when he came to the mountain" said Jeremy.

"Den de trezhuh must be near de Slippin' Falls. Let's go!" said Brer Fox.

"Right after we buy our jackets" said Brer Bear.

"Really?" said Brer Fox.

"I'm not givin' up on dat" said Brer Bear.

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