"May I move past." I say. He takes some time but finally he moves out the way I then proceeded to the door.

"Marii wait. I uh can we please talk. We can't keep on just ignoring each other." I stop. I turn around and sigh. He's right. As much as I don't want to, it just has to be done.

"Okay then talk." I say as I sit down.

"I want to firstly say I'm sorry. I've done nothing but hurt you. I promised you I never meant to. I uh- I love you." He says as I was busy with something

He then stopped talking and looked at me. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing I'm just- nothing." I looked at him confused. Okay?

He then carried on talking. "Liam. I'm going to be honest with you. I had forgiven you long time ago. And yes I've forgiven you but that does not mean I forgotten. You can simply forget something that leaves a mark on your physical and mental self." I say as I take a bunch of Roses' clothes and placed them in a laundry bag.

"I just need a break from you, that's why I decided co-parenting is the best way at this point. So I was looking for a place and found one." I say as I face him.

"But-" I then interrupted him, "No buts. We can decide on when you can have Rose and when I can." It's quiet between us.

He starts shaking his head. Why he shaking his head? "No." He simply said.

"Excuse me? No?" The fuck no mean? "I can't let that happen. Rose is too young for this. She can't grow up like this."

"What? Okay is this actually about Rose or you?" He looks at me in disbelief. What? It's not like it's not expected he's talking about himself.

"Marii not everything is about me. This is about Rose. Come on Marii. This ain't a 'break'. You bought a whole house... Look I can clearly see that you gave no intentions of us being together anymore, and um I respect that. But please for the sake of Rose, please can we all live under one roof."

Okay maybe this isn't about him. Awkward.

"We already paid for the house." I say scratching the back of my neck.

"We?" Shoot. I promise to not tell Liam until after a while.

"Who's we?" He repeated to ask. Shit. How am I supposed to say this. Okay technically there's nothing going on between me and this person but I mean who said nothing will in the future.

Oh who am I kidding that is so wrong on so many levels. I mean, we're talking about my baby daddy's brother. That's fucked up, right?

I softly replied with Drake's name.

He stays quiet. Oh shit, he definitely fuming. I should get out the room now.

Next thing I know I'm against the wall crying and shit cause he started screaming and shit.

I crouch down covering my face. This is the part where they usually start hitting me. I try to make myself ready for the sting of pain... but nothing.

I could feel his arms wrap around me as he tried to lift me. "Please. Please don't hurt me." I say repeatedly through heavy tears. "Please. I'm sorry. I promise nothing is happening between us, I promise-"

I was interrupted by being laid on a soft bed. "Marii why would you think- *sigh* I would never hurt you like that. Ever."

That's when I realized Rose screaming her lungs out. Liam had made his way to her and started to try make her to stop crying. He walks over to me and I shuffle out the way.

"Hey no come here." He said as he reached out to me. I then end up laying his arms.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted. You can definitely be with whoever you want. It's just- you're the first person I've ever fallen in love with. It just hurts seeing you move on. And yes I'm the one to blame but it's just still hurts." He says sniffing.

"Wel if you had let me finish you would know that I'm not with Drake. He just helped me find a house cause I asked him to."

It was just quiet between us.

"Why didn't you hit me." Oh gosh. Why would you ask him that. I then internally slap my face.

He looked at me with confused eyes. He stood up and laid Rose in her crib again. "Come." He said as he tried pulling me up.

He then leads me to the bathroom and males me face the sink. He lifts my fave with his fingers at my chin and makes me look straight at the mirror. "When you looking at the figure in this mirror, do you honestly think she is to be tainted."

I just looked away. "Hey no look at her." He said making me look at myself through the mirror again. "Do you honestly think she deserves to be hitten."

"I-I made you mad. I-I-I deserves it." I look up at Liam and he was more confused than ever. "What are you-" he stopped himself from speaking further and turned me so I could face him.

"(Softly) what did he do to you. (Normal) you need to tell me everything he did to you." I then started to shake my head vigorously and said no.

"Well Marii its either me or a total stranger." He said rubbing my arms up and down. "Stranger?" I asked in confusion.

He simply answered with the word therapist. No. No ways. I'm not going to speak to some random bimbo about my life. "Okay so by your body language, you don't want the therapist so then you'll talk to me."

"No." I just simply said. "Marii look at me. You need to talk to someone. What he did to you is still balled up in you. It's making you believe you deserve to be hit. So it's either me or therapist." Liam says.

"Drake." I answered. I know that Drake will respect my boundaries and not let me talk about something I don't want to talk about.

"Oh okay then. If that's who you trust then we can set you up with him. As long as you tell him everything. I'm trying to help you." I just nodded my head.

He then just proceeded to hug me. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" He asked as he started rocking sideways. "Well according to you. I'm more than beautiful." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"And to you?" He asks. "I'm more than beautiful." I answer. "Good girl." Those words sent shivers down my spine.

He then lifts my head and makes me look at him. "You're such a good girl, hm." He said stroking my head and face.  I now had found my lips lingering on his.

A phone then started ringing. It was liams.

"Oh sorry um please just left me pick this up." He said as he reached for his phone and answered to phone. Then a back and forth argument started over the phone.

"Cosa intendi?! chiama quelle persone, così posso ucciderle (What do you mean?! call those people, so I can kill them)!" He said shouting into the phone. I wish I could understand him cause this sounds heated.

"Non mi interessa! portali qui, ora! (I don't care! Bring them here, now!)" He says as he drops the call. It then quiet for a while.

"Everything's okay?" I ask. "Oh um sorry, I uh the um cops found my father. They didn't hide him properly so now the cops are taking me as a suspect." Oh shit that's messed up. He can go to jail for a long time cause of this.

"I um have to go. But I'll send Drake to you and you promise me you'll talk Everything to him." He asks then raises his pinky for a pinky promise. I then wrapped my pinky around his and he disappeared.

A week later, it was a beautiful day outside. After I had showered, I then felt like making myself breakfast. After a while a loud knocking sounded at the door. It sounded again.

"Hey! Open up!" And the knocking persisted. Who in the actual fuck think they can do this in the morning. I then head to the door.

"Open up, it's the police!"

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