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Quite a small chapter but yeah...

I am currently jn Liam's office, just fiddling with his stuff. He's not here because apparently there's a meeting more important then spending time with me. *Sigh*...

I started walking around and eyeing every decoration and art piece. Next thing I know I'm going through drawers. I know it's wrong but I'm bored.

I then open this drawer and let me tell you, my mouth gaped open. So this boy has been hiding a stash of chocolates and sweets from me???? How dare he! Oh I'm finna beat his ass.

I take one slab of chocolate and stash three in my purse. The door suddenly flies open. I throw my purse in the drawer and close it. I turn around to see Kayla at the door. Ugh, I thought I was never going to see this bitch again.

"Marii?! What are you doing here?" She said sounding shocked. Her hands immediately go to her hips. "I might ask the same question to you too. Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting." I say opening the drawer and taking my purse out. "I was busy. Plus I don't need to explain myself to you."

"Yeah you just did. So you telling me, that you were busy. What? Shopping?" I ask when I see the shopping bags in her hands. "I don't have to explain myself to you." I just rolled my eyes and continued over to Liam's chair. "Why are you hear. You were fired"

"Yeah I was but I'm also Liam's girlfriend, who you know as Mr Augero. So I can be here if I want to but again I don't have to explain myself to you." I say mocking. "Ugh!" She says and storms off to who knows where. I mean when is that girl going to just move on and find another man...

5 minutes later. I'm busy watching a movie whilst eating my chocolate. The door opens and Liam's father walks in. Oh gosh. I switch off my phone and immediately stand. "Mr Augero." "Marii. What are you doing here? I thought I fired you." Oh gosh.

"I-uh, um Liam invited me here so I'm just waiting on him." Damn this won't go great. "Marii?" "Um yes sir." "Tell me why did I fire you?" Shit. "I-Uh, I was distracting Liam." "Yes. Now what in the world gives you the right to be here. You think its funny huh? No. So Marii get out of here. You'll see him afterwards." Damn.

"Um yes sir." I say and grab my things. I made my way out when I see Kayla smirking. Oh that bitch. Snitch bitch. I then decide to be the bigger person and just ignore her. I make my way to the elevator. I pass by Jade.

"Guess who got kicked out, again." I say to her. "Oh no." "Yeah Liam's father kicked me out. I guess I should go back home." I say with a sigh. "Yiu sure it's safe?" "It's not like I have a choice."

"You know I can fight hik if you want." I then chuckle, "Girl. Then we both going to be unemployed." "See it as being twinsies." "Oh my gosh shut up." A person then stands behind me.

"Oh um sorry you can come through. Um Jade I'll see you later." I say as I move out the way and head out. I catch a can and go home. I get into my apartment and immediately lock the door.

I take out my phone and text Liam.

Me: Oh um I'm gone. Your father came in and sent me home to stop me from distracting you. But don't worry I'm safe at home, just have a great day❤️ I love you❤️

I then take out the chocolates in my bag and stash them away. I then open the laptop and carry on watching the movie. Damn girl finna make me mad cause she definitely doesn't deserve Cooper. TF.

I hear a notification from my phone. I check it and it's a message from Liam.

Cara mia🐻🌍❤️: what? I need to ask him why because this is ridiculous... but be safe amore, okay. Lock your doors.
Cara mia🐻🌍❤️: I'm going to send someone there and take you to my house. We'll take your things later. I love you❤️❤️

Me: Alright. I'll be waiting then.

I then put my phone down and carry on watching my movie.

Liam's POV

I head into my office to see my father. "Oh son. How was the meeting?" "Father why did you send Marii home?" "Why is she here? She's distracting you." He says sitting down on my chair. "Distracting me? I brought her here because she got attacked today. Someone is trying to kill her. I just told her im sending someone to take her to my house."

"Oh really? Do you know who tries attacking her?" He asks. "I only know the attacker but but not the person who ordered the attack. I'm working on it though." "For what?" "So I can kill the motherfucker." "Liam you gave so many thins to focus on right now. Leave it alone."

What the? "But-"  "No buts. Now how was the meeting?" He ask so casually. "It went great besides the fact your PA wasn't there." I say referring to Kayla. She was supposed to be there but for some reason didn't show up without a reason.

"She probably has a reason." My father says. "Yeah well she hasn't testified with one. "Whatever Liam. I just came here to make sure everything is fine and since meeting went great, I don't see the problem." He says standing up."See you later son." He says and leaves.

Unknown POV

I dial a number on my phone and await an answer. "Yes sir. How may I help you?" "I need a favour. Go to the following address I will send you. I will meet you there. You will fetch a woman there and we will take her to the warehouse. I'll say further information when i get there. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

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