i frowned, "how long did you know?"

"since the moment i saw you."

"and you didn't tell the others in the guessing game? why?"

"well first of all i wasn't able to play anyway, 2nd of all the president knew of dazai's past and asked me back when he joined not to expose it."

my eyes lit up, "so you'll keep it a secret?!"

he nodded and i smiled, "thank you, rampo-sama!!"

suddenly rampo turned to me, "what did you call me..?"

i tilted my head in confusion, "rampo-sama..?"

he smirked, rubbing his chin in satisfaction, "i like the ring of that.. rampo-sama... call me it again!"





I stared at him with a blank expression on my face as he grinned.

"also wasn't that our stop?" I asked, watching as our trains doors closed and went on.

rampo shrugged his shoulders, "it's fine the train will go back to it eventually."

"no it won't! come let's get off in the next stop!" I yelled but he leaned his head on the window instead, "you're stressed out for nothing it's fine..."

I glared at his lazy self, "if you don't follow me, I'll drag you along and I can't guarantee that you won't turn to dust."

he jumped up, "alright! it's time to get off!"

finally we arrived at the crime scene after struggling in the train for so long. since i havent been in a train since i was 16, i basically forgot everything. I at least remembered the basics, but it was not enough combined with rampo not knowing a single thing and relying on me who barely remembers a thing about trains.

cops surrounded the place. rampo pushed through and the cops turned to us, "you're not allowed to trespass! this is a crime scene."

rampo waved his hand, "don't try to stop me, this crime scene has been taken over by the ADA. you can go home and rest since its basically solved already."

the cop raised his eyebrow, "ADA? and who are you?"

"im the detective taking over this case, of course!"

I approached the cop, raising my hand at him, "excuse me, but I can't allow you to hinder us any longer, please move out of the way or I'll-"

"it's fine y/n-chan, he'll move, right?" rampo said, pulling me backwards by my shoulder and waiting for the cops response.

the cop stared at us for a moment before finally giving in and moving out of the way. he called out to his subordinates, "the ADA have come to take over the crime!" they nodded, recognizing us.

I walked behind rampo and watched as he approached the covered body. he crouched down and pulled the cover off to see a man with 3 bullet wounds. his face was wrapped in a plastic bag.

he looked over at one of the officers, "what info have you gathered so far?"

the cop coughed before responding, "nothing... actually."

I narrowed my eyes and walked over to the body, pulling the plastic bag off of his face.

I had to hold in my vomit, because the sight was not... pleasant. at all. the victims jaw was crushed, blood was everywhere on his face.

ON HOLD | Y!dazai osamu x reader ♡ corruptWhere stories live. Discover now