We've ran our Course

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"Yeah I'm good"

"So what's up? Talk to me" Jess sat down, tapping the empty space next to her. Symone took off her shoes, climbing onto the couch, letting out a sigh.

"What would you do if I told you I'm pregnant?"

Jess chuckled at her friend, Almost chocking on her wine. "What?" She asked still thinking Sym was playing.

"I'm being serious Jessica"

Symone never called Jess by her full first name unless she was being serious. Jess hands shook and her wine glass fell, immediately staining the carpet.

She ran to the kitchen to grab the mop but froze, losing her balance and grabbing the counter for support. Her heart rate increased and her head became dizzy. She wasn't drunk, but the news of Symone being pregnant sent her brain into a friendzy .

She cleared her throat, preparing to ask her next question, but she couldn't look at Symone's face. So she yelled it from the kitchen.

"So who have you been sleeping with?" She asked, already knowing the answer, but hoping it wasn't who she thought it was.

"Only one guy I've been with Jess..."

"Who?" She yelled out from the kitchen, pretending to look for the mop, while staying out of Symone's view.

"Mason, who else?"

Jess's knees gave away under her body, she fell to the floor in disbelief. Her eyes stinging from the hot boiling tears that were at the brim of her eyes, ready to spill over.

"You ok in there?" Sym yelled out.

"Yeah I'm fine" she lied, using her robe to Dab her eyes.

How could Mason be so careless and not protect himself She thought to herself. Her blood Boiled at the thought of them being intimate today. But her heart broke knowing her friend was pregnant for the man she loves. Knowing she could possibly never have any children of her own.

She quickly gathered herself, finding the mop and come back out to clean up the mess.

"I told him" Symone said and Jess head shot up.

"He knows? When?"

"I told him two days ago"

"So he knows?" She asked again in disbelief that he would have sex with her knowing he had gotten Symone pregnant.

"That's what I just said, you don't believe me?"

"No. No I believe you..." she sat down, grabbing Symone's hand.

"I don't know what to do"

"What did he say?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did he answer you? Did he say he wants it?"

"Why does it matter? You really should be asking me how I feel and if I want it. I'm your friend, not him"

"Yes, yes you're right. What do you want Sym?"

"I want to keep it, we could really be a family"

"A family? Is that what he wants?" Jess asked.

"See, there you go again asking what he wants. Who's really your friend here Jessica?" She took her hand back, crossing them across her chest.

"I'm just concerned Symone"

"About who? Me or him? Cause clearly it ain't me and this baby"

"Fine, what do You want to do Sym???"

"I just told you I want a family, are you not listening?"

"What if he doesn't want that?" Jess blurted out

"And why wouldn't he? What's stopping us? Or should I ask who's stopping us?" She said, tilting her head to the side crossing her arms and Jess was catching onto Symone's energy.

"Nobody's standing in your way, I'm sorry. I won't defend him"

There were two knocks on the door.

"Expecting someone?" Symone asked, clearly upset.

It had completely slipped Jess's mind that Mason was coming over tonight. She knew it was him, but it was too late to get rid of him.

"I'll see who it is, probably wrong house"

She half way opened the door, peeking her head out, coming face to face with Mason who planted a wet kiss on her lips. He tried pushing his way into the house to hold her but she pushed him back.

Thankfully Sym was in her phone, not focused on what Jess was doing.

She quickly stepped outside, telling Mason to leave.

"Why?" He asked

"Your baby mother is inside and I'm sure she would want to know why you're here"

"Symone is inside?" He asked and Jess planted a heavy angered slap on his cheeks.

"So you knew she was pregnant and didn't tell me? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Jessica, that baby is not mine" he said holding his face which was turning red.

"Leave, you're a lying piece of shit, I never want to see you again! Mason I hate you"

"You don't mean that"

"Why did you have to do this to me Mason? Why?" The tears poured down her face uncontrollably. She couldn't help but cry, her heart was heavy and filled with nothing but pain.

Mason pulled her into his chest and she let out a scream that rattled against his chest. He knew this could possibly be the last straw for them and he was not accepting it.

"Let me come inside and talk to her" he suggested which made her pull away from him.

"She wants a family with you, she wants to keep the baby"

"Is she crazy?"

"You caused this mess..."

"How do I fix it?" He sighed, rubbing his hand down his face.

"There's nothing you can do, the damage is done. Congratulations on the baby, now get the hell off my property"

She went back inside, leaving Mason by himself. It's like the universe was designed To always pull them apart or get in their way.

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