Cold Feet

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"Can we leave!?"

"What? Why? What happened?" Symone realized that I wasn't okay.

"You good?" Don asked

"Im just really tired...."

He sighed and rolled his eyes. Jess thought it was because of her but then she heard an all too familiar voice from behind.

"What happened to no strip clubs!?"

"Dayna, I can explain" Cory froze.

"Please do" she folded her arms waiting for an excuse.

"It was our fault, well our idea" Dustin spoke up

"Who's we ?" She asked

"Romeo, Ryan and I"

"Where is Ryan?" Cassidy asked

"Bathroom...." Cory lied.

"No he went to talk to the Chelsea girl" Symone said not realizing what she had done.

Dayna hadn't seen me until Symone drew the attention to us. Her eyes turned red but she didn't bother speaking to me.

"Chelsea ? Who Chelsea are you talking about?" Cassidy directed her question to Dustin.

"I don't know" he shrugged and took another shot of vodka. He was drunk and had no cares in the world for any of us right now.

"Um we better get going" Jess tried pulling Symone but Cassidy stood in the way.

"Why You leaving so soon? The parties just getting started" she pushed her way into the section.

                       Chelsea's POV

"No way, you really barfed on her ?"

"Yeah, I told her to move but she wouldn't listen"

Ryan and Chelsea were catching up for lost time. They both sat in Romeo's jeep cracking jokes.

"Its good seeing you Ryan"

"Likewise, I never thought I would see you again"

"Me either. You've grown facial hair and all" she said rubbing his beard.

"Well I mean you got super thick" he placed his hand on her thigh smiling.

"Thats the baby weight" she giggled.

"Baby weight? You have a kid?"

Chelsea hadn't realized she outed herself and it was too late to lie"

"Chelsea?? You have a child?"

"Yes Ryan..."

"With your fiancé?"

"Yes, well sort of"

"So You guys adopted?"

"No ...."

"You lost it?"


"So how do you sort of have Baby weight?"

"I didn't want you to find out like this"

"Can you stop speaking in subliminals and be direct with me"

"Ryan I had a baby, our baby, a girl"

"Wait what? When ? Are you serious!?"

"Let me explain"

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