55: Court of the Yelloe Robed Demon Pt 3

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Mei and Y/n have been captured as the two were brought into a castle

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Mei and Y/n have been captured as the two were brought into a castle. Y/n frowns in worry as Mei shouted, "I don't know who you dorks are, but hands off the merchandise and Buttercup! If I had my sword, I'd slice ya and dice ya!" However the guards drop the two women off in a den.

Then the guards leave as a male voice was heard, "Well, well, well. Who are these little creatures that come wandering into my den?" Y/n stands up with the help of Mei. Mei shouts as she stood protectively in front of a nervous Y/n, "Who are you?! What are we doing here? What do you want?!"

The guy chuckled, "Feisty and nervous. Very well. Allow me to tell you two a tale." Mei Retorted, "Oh, that's okay. We should go." She groans as he ignores her and continues on.

The guy narrated, "There once was a Celestial Guard who fell deeply in love with a Jade Maiden. However, their love was forbidden. And so, by his hand, he sacrificed their Immortality, that they might be reborn in the mortal realm, their union unbound by the rules of heaven. But fate moves slowly. To prolong his mortal life, the Guard ensnared and devoured powerful souls that wandered into his domain as he awaited the return of his beloved. But... I think he has already found her."

Y/n turns confused Mei turns surprised,  "Wait! H-hang on a sec." However the guy continued, "I am Kui Mulang, Guard of the Celestial Court, one of the 28 Mansions of the White Tiger, and Devourer of Earthy Souls. I have a feeling your chi will be especially... Xinla." Mei glared, "Oh, I'll be spicy alright. White Horse Dragon Pepper Girl coming right up!" However Y/n panics as the guy just uses his powers to trap Mei, "Mei!" Kui Mulang frowns, "Such power, and yet powerless to use it." He then just moves Mei away to lock her in a cell as she shouts, "No! Y/n, be careful!"

Y/n panics, 'Ever since the Lady Bone Demon's defeat... I haven't been able to go into my passed out state where I can sue my powers without having a problem! What am I supposed to do now?!' Then Kui Mulang turns to her, "And now, what to do with you." Y/n turns nervous.

While Mei was thrown into a cell, she hears a male voice say calmly and cheerful, "Ah. Another poor soul awaiting their fate at the hands of Kui Mulang."


Tang was busy teleporting through different chapters to find the others.

Surrounded by alligators, "Nope."

Behind, Chang'e departs, "Also nope."

He passes by a young Nezha and Ao Bing in dragon form having a battle, "Nope! Nope!"

He runs down a corridor, before backtracking and looking into the throne room, "Huh?" Then the Lvory Woman's eyes flash a bit of bright blue as she looked at him. Tang panics, "Nope!" He teleports away.


Meanwhile Mei tries to kick down the cell door but fails. The guy laughs as Mei turns her head to him, "What's so funny, guy?" The guy shrugs, "Oh, it's just... you know, you remind me of my sister. She, too, is impulsive." Mei turns back to the cell door, "Sounds like a cool gal. You know what's cooler?" She went to attack the door again, "You helping me. Bust. Down. This. Door!" She huffs, "This would be easier if I still had my sword."

The guy asked, "Why don't you just make a new sword?" Mei turns to him and says sarcastically, "Oh, yeah! I'll just magically make myself a brand-new, one-of-a-kind, ancient family sword! Any other bright ideas? Or are you going to get over here and help me?!"

The guy stands up, however trips over his long Hanfu, "Did ya see? I-I just fell down and bonked my brain cage. Ow." Mei groans, "Ugh, this guy." She angrily shouts, "Forget it!" She huffs and looks at him, "I just assumed that you were in here 'cause that yellow-robed jerk wanted your powers too." The guy sits up, "I'm sure he does. But all they've ever done is get me in trouble, so..." Mei blinks in surprise, "Wait. So you're just sitting here waiting to throw your powers? That's dumb!" The guy blinks in turn, "Beg your pardon?"

Mei huffs and questioned, "What's the point of having power if you won't use it? Don't you have people you want to protect?" The guy nods, "Of course I do." He then sighs, "But I can't protect them with careless actions." Mei shouted, "Inaction is careless! If you're not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about, you are nothing! I would watch my sword shatter into pieces a thousand times as long as I used it to protect the ones I care about. If you're going to just sit there and screw around, then maybe you don't deserve power." Then the guy said, "And perhaps with greater caution, you would still have your sword."

He sighed, "I know a thing or two about disappointing people, about feeling powerless to protect them, but I do not sense that you are a disappointment. Even now, locked away in imminent danger, your thoughts are to protect others." Mei questioned, "But how am I supposed to protect everyone if I don't have my sword?" "A sword is powerless without the hand that wields it."

Mei blinks as she questioned, "What does that even mean?!" However the guy shrugs with a lazy smile, "Oh, you know, just some wise Sage stuff. Did you like it? I made it up myself. Like right now." Mei deadpans.

^How I feel about knowing what happens to y/n in the future

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^How I feel about knowing what happens to y/n in the future.

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