45: This Imperfect World

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"For as long as time itself, I've had this recurring dream. At first, it's meaning was unclear. Now I know it was a premonition. The very moment I finally achieved my ambition: to perfect this imperfect world. The Samadhi Fire is the final piece of the game: A tool destiny has gifted me to complete my work," spoke the Lady Bone Demon. The Mayor smirked, "Then allow me to retrieve it for you, my Lady." The Lady Bone Demon turns to him, "No need. Fate will deliver it in time."

Then Sun wukong lands in front of them. She smirked as she turned to him, "Ah, your timing couldn't be more perfect, Sun Wukong. It appears your quest to use the power of the Samadhi Fire to destroy me hasn't gone quite according to plan. Why else would you show up unarmed with no friends for backup?" Sun Wukong only glares at her, "I didn't need the Samadhi Fire to put you away last time. Figured I could make do without it."

The Lady Bone Demon tilts her head, "Oh, my power has far surpassed what it was when we last met in battle. And now I sense you do not have what it takes to defeat me." "Hmph. That won't stop me from trying," responded Wukong as he crossed his arms. Mayor lightly claps his hands, "A Hero to the end. How delightful."

The Lady Bone Demon chuckled, "No backup and no weapon. So your plan is to... fistfight a child?" Wukong tched, "We both know that's not what you are." He then summons his powers and charges at her.


In Red Son's training temple, Mei was meditating. Then a Spear slices through the air. Mei however dodges, but is soon surrounded by them. "No! The Samadhi Fire doesn't control me! Breathe!" Yelled Mei as she focuses. She then creates a shield around herself, melting the heads on the spears and then using the forced to flick the spears in the opposite direction. Afterwards, she falls back on her bottom and sighs.

Red Son says, "Not bad, Pony Girl." He then jumps down and examines one of the spears, "But not great either." He then grabs it as he points to thr spearhead, "Do you know how hard it's source authentic 7th century modao? Think about that next time you lose your cool-" However he was cut off when he was hit on the head by a piece of the temple root.


Mei eats from a basket while Red Son holds an ice pack on his head. Mei says, "All this training sure makes me hungry." She turns her head to him, "You sure you don't want any?" Red Son huffs, "I'm fine, thank you." Mei raises a brow, "You're still annoyed with me?" Mei turns her face forward, "Yeah, I moved on from that like immediately."

Red Son stands up, "Yes, that's because you're not the one with shiner!" He groans and falls back while wincing. "Well, you shouldn't have tricked me into your stab shack of "meditation" or whatever," shurgged Mei. Red Son huffs as he sits back up, "You are the second most annoying person I know." He then sighs and looked at her, "That "meditation" is important if you are to stand a chance at defeating the Lady Bone Demon. Lucky for you, you're a quick leaner. If you weren't, the while universe would be burned to nothing by now."

Mei turns to him confused, "Why? How come?" Red Son explains, "The Samadhi Fire is more than just an inextinguishable flame. It's an interdimensional weapon with the destructive power to burn through the very fabric of reality." Mei gasped, "You mean, if I lost my cool on any of the million traning exercises we've been doing, there was a chance I could have exploded and destroyed the whole universe?!"

Red Son nodded, "Yes, that could have happened, but it didn't." He hums in thought, "My guess is that somehow your dragon ancestry has protected you and if you're strong enough to contain the Samadhi Fire, you're strong enough to use it." Mei raises a brow, "And... meditating's gonna help, how again?"

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