49: Familiar Tales

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In the Netherworld at a temple. A cloaked individual walked up to the temple's doors. Then the individual unlocks a set of doors and checks behind, before walking in. They then approach a mass of bamboo planks spirling up in the center of a room and searched through them, settling on one, before removing and looking at it as the writing glows.


Meanwhile at Megapolis, two giant serpents attacks three old ladies practicing Tai Chi, but are blocked by two giant staff's (Golden + Shadow). MK waved, "Morning, ladies!" Y/n giggled, "Good morning!" Y/n has bandages only around her neck. She is in her old outfit, this time with sandals. Lady 1 smiled, "Morning, you two." The second lady chuckled, "What sweet children." The third lady nods, "Such dearies."

Then Y/n grabs MK's hand and throws him at the two giant serpents. MK then defeats the serpents and the ladies gather around to have a selfie.

Y/n and MK land on the ground softly. Then that's when they head Jin yell, "Monkie Kid and Love Bug! It's your worst enemies, Jin-" "And Yin! The Gold and Silver Demons!" Yelled Yin.

Y/n softly sighed as she watched MK get into his tuk-tuk and drives forward to stop them. Then suddenly the serpents turn into a giant pair of Goldrn Serpent Shears. Y/n blinks in surprise. Yin grins, "With our legendary Goldrn Serpent Shears, we'll give this city a nice little turn." Jin complains, "But a dye job's gonna cost extra, and the only color we got is red!"

MK mumbles, "Them some big scissors." Y/n covers her ears as MK yelps when someone blows by him in a Dragon Jet. 'Oh yeah, forgot that my hearing is very good... I wish I didn't have that,' Thought Y/n. Mei shouts to MK, "Anything else! Literally drive anything else, MK!" Y/n softly chuckled with a small smile and decided to just run to try to catch up.

MK huffs, "Hey! I'll have you know this baby's got loads of miles left in her!" However the tuk-tuk then putters slowly and breaks. He groans, "Aw, man!" Y/n reaches over to him with a small sigh.

Meanwhile with Jin and Yin who are on a rooftop. They notice Mei driving the Dragon Jet in the air. Jin shouts, "Oh, no! It's the Dragon Girl!" The twin demons looked at each other, "What are we gonna do?" Jin grins, "Oh, what's this inside my pretty new robe?" He then takes out something, "Aha, Ne Zha's Universal Ring!" He tosses it at Mei who just controls the Dragon Jet to dodge it.

Yin says, "You don't stand a chance against our relentless onslaught of magical artifacts we've somehow managed to steal." Jin yelled, "Prepare to meet your demise!" Then the two twin demons start tossing out items. Jin included, "Eventually!"

Mei dodged then and opens the hood, "Is that all you've got?" But more items are tossed at her, before the Goldrn Brick causes her Jet to explode as she began to fall down. Mk yelled, "Mei!" Y/n quickly launched herself up in the air as she catches Mei in her arms. Mei grins, "Nice catch, Buttercup!" Y/n smiled and nodded as she lands in front of MK. Y/n places Mei down on her feet as she gives them a thumbs up.

MK nods as he uses the broken pieces of Mei's jet to attack a jetpack on his mech as it stops the blades of the scissors from coming into contact, instead ripping them out of the pivot and creating a new pair of their own. MK and Mei then yell, "Here comes!" Y/n leans on the wall with crossed arms and a small smile.

Jin panics, "Ah, bugger!" Yin and Jin hugged each other. Yin shouted, "Mommy!"

"White Horse Dragon Girl Monkie Kid Team Attack!" They then bring the Shears down and slice the building. The citizens cheered, "We're saved! Our heroes!" One of the citizens says, "I always liked that MK." Y/n sighed and decided to join her two best friends.

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