Part 1 "Prologue"

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Approaching the bus stop from which I was supposed to get to my new school, I sat down on a bench and began to wait for my transport.

Everything happened unexpectedly and quickly. I never thought that the time would come when I would leave the cold walls of the White Room and get out to freedom.


When I finished with my test, I turned the sheet to the other side and raised my hand up, letting the instructors know that I was done.

One of the grown men came up to my seat. But to my surprise, he didn't take my test, but just started looking at me.

 Kiyotaka, the professor wants to see you. Let's go.

I was wondering why "this person" suddenly wanted to see me.

Getting up, I followed the adults. Entering the main office, my eyes met the eyes of "this man" when he was sitting at his desk. The two instructors bowed to him and hurried out of the room, leaving the two of us alone.

Kiyotaka, get ready

I didn't understand what he meant, so I tilted my head to the side.

 Tomorrow you will leave the White Room.

 Are we going somewhere again?

I asked an obvious question, since I left this place only once, when we flew to America.

 Not us, but you. You're going to my friend's high school tomorrow.

School is a place where children go to learn more about this world and benefit their country in the future. In total, they study for nine years: 3 years in elementary school, 3 years in middle school and 3 years in high school. After school, they can go either to college or to university.

But I've known everything they teach there for a long time. So why am I being sent there?

 I already know your question. Of course, you don't go there to study, because the White Room is much better in this regard.

Then for what?

Leaning his hands on the table, "this man" got up from his chair and turned to face the window, which was behind him.

 It's about you. Due to the fact that you are emotionless, many problems may arise in the future.

Emotions. I still didn't understand what their meaning was, and how could they create problems in the future? I have never shown emotions in my life, just like the people around me.

But for the first time I found out about them thanks to Yuki, who unconsciously smiled at me.

 Today you have to pass the entrance exams. You can do whatever you want, but you have to go to school and learn what emotions are.


I have only one task: To understand emotions! This will probably be my most difficult task.

— Hey, what the hell did you push me for?

— I want you to move over. Lose weight, otherwise you will be bothering people because of your fat.

— Who did you call fat?

Two guys dressed in the same uniform as me started a loud quarrel for an incredibly stupid reason.

— Boys, don't quarrel. Let's do without fighting, because we will study at the same school.

The girl with pink long hair immediately hurried to separate the two. And to prevent a potential fight, got between them.

— Huh? Why the hell is he insulting me?

— I called you fat because you're fat.

Despite the girl's best efforts, this couple was not going to calm down. Less than a day has passed, and I already feel irritated.

— Hey, could you two be quiet for a bit?

I asked, leaning on the back of the bench.

— Ha, who are you?

— Annoying

Adding aggression to my voice, I said, looking into their eyes.

Both guys, along with the girl, jerked sharply after looking into my eyes.

— Huh? What did you say?

As if coming out of a trance, the guy asked, moving towards me.

Leaving my bag on the bench, I also got up from my seat and went to meet him.

When there was an arm's length between us, he wanted to tell me something else, but I didn't let him do it. Taking a sharp step forward, I landed a hard knee to his stomach.

— Kha!

Clutching his stomach, the guy bent down. Grabbing his bangs with my left hand, I forced him to look at me. After that, I did not hit him hard with my fist in the nose.

Falling to the ground, he immediately grabbed his face with his hands.

— I hope we're done here?

I asked, looking at the second guy.

When he noticed my look, he immediately began to turn his head to confirm my words.

Shaking the brush of my right hand, I went to my seat.

— Stop!

The sudden voice of the girl forced me to stop and turn to her.

— Why did you do that? You could have asked him to stop normally,

She said, walking up to the beaten guy.

— I normally asked them to stop. But he wouldn't listen to me.

I replied, heading back to my bag.

— But it's wrong

The girl said softly.

But I decided not to answer her, but just to continue waiting for the bus.

When our transport finally arrived and opened the doors, everyone immediately started running inside. After waiting for my turn, I sat down on the last empty seat, right next to the guy I beat up a few minutes ago.

Noticing me, he immediately hurried to turn away to the window. Finding a napkin, he covered the lower part of his face with it. It looks like I accidentally overdid it and accidentally broke his nose, since the once snow-white napkin turned red.

Fortunately, the trip happened without incident, and we got to our new school safely.

After leaving the bus, I stopped at the gate and began to look at the school building.

Taking a bottle of water from my bag, I opened it and took a small sip of the cool liquid.

— I don't know why, but it seems to me that this school is far from ordinary.

Thoughts out loud. Funny thing.

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