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I still remember the day we met like it was yesterday. It was one of the best days of my life.

I was running as fast as I could so that I don't have to get punishment from Dr.Stein. As I ran through the halls I didn't notice my surroundings, I bumped into someone hard making us both fall down. I opened my eyes and was met with gorgeous golden eyes. He had black hair with 3 white stripes, his face was very cute. He started at me as I stared back, suddenly I heard a cough bringing me back to reality. He got off me fast then helped me get up. "I'm so sorry!" I said bowing 90° to hide my deep pink face. "I-it's okay" the boy replied embarrassed too. I finally looked up after calming down, I have never seen him around the academy, he must be Lord Death's son who Soul was talking about last night. "Ano... are you Lord Death's son?" I asked. "Ah..Death the kid, call me Kid, yes I'm his son" He replied. "Y/N Eater, Soul's twin... you know him right?" I said to make sure if he knew him. "Oh so that's why you look so much like him, yes I know him" he said as he looked me up and down, I blushed as he did that, it might have been my mistake but I think I saw him blush while checking me out. The bell rang making me realize I had missed Dr.Stein's class. "Ahhh.... I missed Dr.Stein's class" I said, absolutely terrified. Just as I said that the door to the class next to us opened as Maka, Soul, Black*star and Tsubaki got out. When Soul saw me, "Y/N get out of here Dr.Stein is searchi-" He was cut off by Dr.Stein who came out of the class beside him was my weapon partner, Ethan. "Y/N may I know why you were absent from my class today?" he asked, giving me a crazy look. I gulped hard. " see I uh was very tired from my mission and slept in late" I said as I glared at my weapon, he just shrugged. Dr.Stein narrowed his eyes at me, making me more scared. "I won't be excusing you next time," he said as he fixed his glasses. "WHAT YOU'RE EXCUSING HER BUT IF WE DO THAT YOU WILL PUNISH US?!" Both Soul and Black*star yelled, I looked at my brother with a 'are you even my brother' look who gave me an apologetic look. "I'm excusing her because her grade is always in the top 3 grades in my class and she is most of the time on mission" he said making the boys silently grumble. "Wait what?!" one of the girls who was with Kid exclaimed. I rubbed the back of my neck feeling too shy, I looked at Kid. He had a proud look. "See Soul you should learn from your sister" Maka said, making Soul grumble more and they fought back and forth. I facepalmed seeing the both fight. "You both are twins yet you both are totally different in every way... Your gorgeous Y/N'' Kid whispered to me.

Even though it wasn't much but the way you asked me to be your date to the was so special.

Kid and I have gotten so close since I met him. We often flirt here and there, the girls shipped us every chance they got. Soul was happy that I liked someone like Kid, he says Kid is cool so he is fine with us but the thing is I'm not even sure if he likes me that way. "What are you thinking?" Kid asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. We were currently in a garden sitting on the grass. The garden was empty as the sun had set. Kid and I spent the day hanging out. I looked kid he was wearing sky blue jeans and paired with a white T-shirt, over it a burberry shirt. "It's nothing," I replied. I looked down as I played with the hem of my white dress. "Hmm okay...close your eyes for a moment" I looked at him confused but closed my eyes as Kid said. " Don't open them till I tell you okay?" he said, I nodded as an answer and waited. "Okay open them" As I opened my eyes, I saw kid standing with a bouquet of roses. He gave them to me and kissed my cheeks. My eyes widened as I stared at him in shock. He giggled, "You're so cute, Y/N will you be my date to the DWMA's founding?" I giggled as I nodded. "Yes yes!" I said I was overjoyed.

Even though our date was ruined it was perfect while it lasted..maybe it was because we made it official that day.

After Kid's speech was ruined and he danced a little with Liz and Patty in an awkward way. Liz immediately left him with me to dance. I giggled as I took Kid's hand and led him to the dance floor. Kid guided me as we danced together. "Ball dances are harder than I thought.." I said as I kept looking down to make sure I didn't step on his foot. "The first step is to look in the eye of your partner." He said as he made me look up. He pulled me closer to him, closing any distance we had. "Y/N, I have a question for you, don't scream Okay?" "Okay" I said, confused. He twirled me before pulling me close again, "Y/N I love you a lot, I'm not good with words but the things you make me feel...I feel sad and empty everytime am away from you. So...Y/N Evans will do the honor of being my girlfriend?" I looked at him, shocked before hugging him tightly as I whispered yes in his ears. I looked over to my friends who seemed to know what happened, I then looked over to my brother who had been very distant with everyone these past few days, Soul gave me a huge smile which I returned. I pulled away from Kid as we walked over to the rest.

Death The Kid x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now