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【 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙸𝚁𝙴'𝚂 𝙿𝙾𝚅】𝙾𝙲𝚃𝙾𝙱𝙴𝚁 𝟽, 𝟷𝟸:𝟻𝟾 𝚙𝚖

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I smile while walking through the grounds of Jack's school, waving at the other parents already waiting for his classmates. Joining them and exchanging pleasantries, we wait patiently for a few minutes until the bus arrives. The children file off the bus and Jack rushes over to me.

"Mama!" He yells and I bend down to hug him, lifting him up. Jack giggles and I put him down again, his hand finding mine as I squat in front of him.

"Happy birthday, conejito," I smile, kissing his head.

"Thank you, Mama. I missed you."

"Your dad and I missed you too," I stand and we walk back over to Jack's teacher, Ms Springer, who still stands by the bus with a clipboard. I try to withhold a smug smile when we approach her, "Good afternoon, Ms Springer."

"Miss Thorne, good afternoon," She forces a smile, looking behind me, "Is Aaron with you?"

"No, he's busy setting up Jack's birthday surprise," I inform her, grabbing Jack's bag from the small pile that was unloaded from the bus.

"Shame," Her fake smile drops and she heaves a small sigh, looking down at her clipboard before handing me a pen, "I'll need you to sign off to say that Jack has been picked up." I nod and swiftly sign next to Jack's name. I say goodbye and as we turn to leave, Jack looks back up at Ms Springer.

"Ms Springer?" He asks and her smile returns.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can you stop misgendering my mama? They're not a miss," Jack says seriously, "And please don't call me 'sweetie', it makes me uncomfortable."

"Oh, Jack, she doesn't mind," Ms Springer smiles, leaning down to pat his head. I quickly move him away from her and her smile drops when she looks up at me.

"I do mind, and I would appreciate it if you listened to Jack. Aaron and I have taught him about boundaries but clearly, your parents didn't teach you. If Jack tells either of us about this happening again, we'll be talking to the Headmaster about it as well as your unwanted advances on my boyfriend," I calmly reprimand her before picking Jack up and walking away without waiting for her to respond. Jack smiles at me and hugs my neck, kissing my cheek, "You will tell us if something like that happens again, right?"

"Mhmm!" He nods.

"Good. I want you to know that you can come to your papa and me if you need to talk," I let him know and he tilts his head to the side.

"About what, mama?" Jack asks me.

"About anything," I shrug as we reach my car. I put him down and get him strapped in as I continue explaining, "Problems at school or with Ms Springer, if you're having some big feelings, if you have something you're excited about, something you're worried about. Anything, conejito." I finish talking and get into my car, pulling out of the parking lot. "How was your trip, Jack?"

The Doctor | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now