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We went back to Bella's to drop off some stuff we bought
Bella grabs a duffel bag
This thing is almost as big as them
I'm only like 2 inches taller than Bella but the bag is gigantic
"What the fuck is in there"
Bella only responds with a kiss on my lips and walks out the door to the car
I look to the left and see Bella's mom standing in the kitchen door way
"Do you know what's in the bag"

"No idea "


The car ride to the place has just consisted of me begging Bella to tell me what's in the bag and where we were going also me screaming lyrics to my favorite songs

"We're almost there"

"What's in the bag"

"You'll find out"

"Why can't I know now"

"Because then there's no point of it being a surprise"

"I hate you"

Bell puts his hand on my thigh

"Mm no You don't"



Another minute passes and I'm still stuck sitting with Bella's hand on my thigh and wondering what the fuck is in that bag and where are we going

"We're here"

I look up at the building and it's a dance studio

"Why are we here"
"We're here so you can dance my love"
"I don't have dance clothes are shoes"
Wait big bag
"Bella that's what's in the bag isn't"

"It is.... Now let's go"
Bella basically jumps out of the car grabbing the duffel bag

"Let's go let's go let's go"

"Ya voy"


Bellaramsey story


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"How many turns can you do"

"Depends on pointe I can do a solid 15 I did 20 once but ever since then I can't
But off pointe I can do 73
I used to be able to do different turns too but I'm out of practice"

"That's so cool, wish I could do

"What do you mean"

"Mayella not everyone can to 73 turns at a time I can't even do one"

"I can teach you"

"It's ok love I'll stick to acting"


Mayellacarolina story


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Private message
Pedro and Bella

You took her to
a dance studio!!!!!


Marry her already

A bit too early for that
Don't you think ??


Group chat
Jack, mayella and tenzing
Mayella - demon spawn
Jack - satan
Tenzing - evil spawn

Yella are you okay

Evil spawn
Are you still breathing

Demon spawn
Um yeah why wouldn't I be 😟

Mayella they took to to dance

Evil spawn
Marry him
He's like the perfect person for you

Demon spawn
He also bought me shoes
Different ones btw and
dance clothes

How are you alive rn

Demon spawn

Evil spawn
They liiiike youuuu

Demon spawn
Well they're my s/o
I hope they do


Hi my fine friends
I've been bored lately but also remember I have a Child I don't have much time to edit things

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